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eccentricities - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of eccentricities in Hindi

  • सनकीपन


  • सनक
  • सिड़

eccentricities Definition


  • the quality of being eccentric.
  • deviation of a curve or orbit from circularity.

eccentricities Example

  • Tidal action also accounts for the progressively increasing eccentricities of the orbits, already referred to. ( ज्वारीय क्रिया भी कक्षाओं की उत्तरोत्तर बढ़ती विलक्षणता के लिए जिम्मेदार है, जिसका पहले से ही उल्लेख किया गया है। )
  • Enjoy their eccentricities because they just make life more interesting! ( उनकी विलक्षणताओं का आनंद लें क्योंकि वे जीवन को और अधिक रोचक बनाते हैं! )
  • But, of course, the necessity of enabling his hearers to understand ideas which they must have found sufficiently novel in themselves, imposed tolerably narrow limits on such eccentricities. ( लेकिन, निश्चित रूप से, अपने श्रोताओं को उन विचारों को समझने में सक्षम बनाने की आवश्यकता, जिन्हें उन्होंने अपने आप में पर्याप्त रूप से उपन्यास पाया होगा, ऐसी विलक्षणताओं पर सहनीय रूप से संकीर्ण सीमाएं लगाईं। )
  • Each had his or her eccentricities. ( प्रत्येक की अपनी विलक्षणताएँ थीं। )

More Sentence

  • She had forgotten about his eccentricities.
  • No Costaguanero had ever learned to question the eccentricities of a military force.
  • The mysterious workings of her mind and eccentricities were never easy for me to puzzle out.
  • I realize now that many of her eccentricities were triggered by the grief of losing her husband.
  • A : I'd say regular people that have eccentricities.
  • Real oddballs and psychotics don't recognize their own eccentricities.
  • There is a very striking relation between the eccentricity and the period of a system; in general the binaries of longest period have the greatest eccentricities.
  • Only the Klingons didn’t seem to care, for they seemed to appreciate that the smartest, bravest warriors all had their eccentricities.
  • He'll develop little eccentricities of devotion, intense personal cults of his own; he'll be found in the chapel at odd times and missed when he's expected.
  • In a squadron, aloof is not what one should be unless one has some great aerial reputation that has preceded one's arrival, thereby permitting such eccentricities.
  • As adultery, usury, murder and suicide are among these little eccentricities, offset against superstition, religion and rationalism, the reader may take his choice of theories.
  • Fiske, by her eccentricities, and various little intellectualities that you recall when you see Miss Lena Ashwell’s tame and bloodless performance in London, helped the illusion.
  • From these pilgrimages to the jug and basin, he returned with such eccentricities of damp headgear as no words can describe; which were made the more ludicrous by his anxious gravity.
  • The relation applies not only to the visual but to the spectroscopic binaries; these, having shorter periods than the visual binaries, have generally quite small eccentricities.