eastbound - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of eastbound in Hindi
eastbound Definition
- leading or traveling toward the east.
eastbound Example
- the eastbound lane ( पूर्व की ओर गली )
- The westbound demolition trains in 1968/9 were hauled by class 24 diesel locomotives with diesel shunters being used on eastbound trains. ( 1968/9 में पश्चिम की ओर जाने वाली विध्वंस ट्रेनों को कक्षा 24 डीजल इंजनों द्वारा पूर्व की ओर जाने वाली ट्रेनों में इस्तेमाल होने वाले डीजल शंटर के साथ ढोया गया था। )
- Not useful considering we are supposed to be headed eastbound. ( यह देखते हुए उपयोगी नहीं है कि हमें पूर्व की ओर जाना चाहिए। )
- This in turn caused the Volkswagen to collide with the Fiat being driven eastbound by Mr McLaren, who died at the scene. ( इसके बदले में वोक्सवैगन मिस्टर मैकलेरन द्वारा पूर्व की ओर चलाए जा रहे फिएट से टकरा गया, जिसकी घटनास्थल पर ही मौत हो गई। )
More Sentence
- Here he met the eastbound messenger, also with important missives, from the Coast to Washington.
- Hence there would still be forty-one minutes running time to be divided between the eastbound train and the westbound engine.
- While she paused, the night express backed onto the side track to await the coming of the eastbound train.
- Upon arrival of the eastbound night passenger express at Harpers Ferry the train was surrounded by a cordon of riflemen.
- At last came the day when the eastbound caravan was all but ready to start, certain last minute needs arising that kept it in the camp outside the city until the following morning.
- The driver continued on his way eastbound to the bus.
- I went eastbound to Halsted and northbound on Halsted to Eighty-Seventh.
- That same evening, in Berkeley, Ky Ebright and the California boys climbed aboard an eastbound train, heading for Poughkeepsie
- Summary: The scheme will provide a guaranteed eastbound overtaking opportunity over a length of 1 kilometer Detail: What's involved?
- Note that, coming eastbound, traffic for Maidstone is signed to use the A21 (north ).