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earthenware - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of earthenware in Hindi


  • मिट्टी के बरतन
  • मिट्टी
  • मिट्टी के बने हुए बरतन

earthenware Definition


  • pottery made of clay fired to a porous state which can be made impervious to liquids by the use of a glaze.

earthenware Example

  • Large works of earthenware are established at Znaim and Frain. ( ज़्नैम और फ़्रैन में मिट्टी के बर्तनों के बड़े काम स्थापित हैं। )
  • There are engineering, iron, salt and earthenware works, and some shipbuilding is carried on. ( इंजीनियरिंग, लोहा, नमक और मिट्टी के बरतन के काम हैं, और कुछ जहाज निर्माण का काम किया जाता है। )
  • The imports include manufactured articles of all kinds, hardware and building materials, earthenware and glassware, furniture, drugs and medicines, wines, foodstuffs, coal, petroleum and many other things. ( आयात में सभी प्रकार की निर्मित वस्तुएं, हार्डवेयर और निर्माण सामग्री, मिट्टी के बरतन और कांच के बने पदार्थ, फर्नीचर, दवाएं और दवाएं, वाइन, खाद्य पदार्थ, कोयला, पेट्रोलियम और कई अन्य चीजें शामिल हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Stainless-steel-clad aluminum and earthenware work, too.
  • They dug small pits that contained flint-tempered earthenware pots.
  • It is baked in an earthenware caramelised crust over the teurgoule.
  • Earthenware shards and possibly hammer stones were found inside the cave.
  • These images enliven the earthenware, porcelain and metal objects he designed.
  • Place the cheese into an enameled or flameproof earthenware pot.
  • Most children's china is made of glazed earthenware.
  • Drain chickpeas, and place in a medium earthenware pan or saucepan.
  • 1763 : BREAK OUT THE DISHES Josiah Wedgwood patents his trademark earthenware.
  • It's difficult to see earthenware in a sentence .
  • Among other manufactures are butter and cheese, canned fruits and vegetables, glass and earthenware, printing and wrapping paper, furniture, matches, hats, clothing, pharmaceutical products, soaps and - p erfumery, ice, artificial drinks, cigars and cigarettes, fireworks anc candles.
  • The ox-wagons with their solid wheels, and the curious water-wheels of brushwood with earthenware pots tied on to them and turned by a blindfolded donkey, are picturesque.