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dwarf - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dwarf in Hindi

  • बौना आदमी


  • बौना
  • वामन
  • ठिगना

dwarf Definition


  • (in folklore or fantasy literature) a member of a mythical race of short, stocky humanlike creatures who are generally skilled in mining and metalworking.
  • a star of relatively small size and low luminosity, including the majority of main sequence stars.


  • cause to seem small or insignificant in comparison.

dwarf Example

  • the buildings surround and dwarf All Saints church ( इमारतों के चारों ओर और बौना ऑल सेंट्स चर्च )
  • The pugdog is a dwarf race, probably of mastiff origin, and kept solely as a pet. ( पगडॉग एक बौनी जाति है, शायद मास्टिफ मूल की है, और पूरी तरह से एक पालतू जानवर के रूप में रखी जाती है। )
  • Its flat-roofed Moorish houses are enclosed by gardens of cactus, dwarf palm, orange and other subtropical plants, interspersed with masses of rock. ( इसके फ्लैट-छत वाले मूरिश घर कैक्टस, बौना हथेली, नारंगी और अन्य उपोष्णकटिबंधीय पौधों के बगीचों से घिरे हुए हैं, जो चट्टानों के द्रव्यमान से घिरे हुए हैं। )
  • Grasses, mosses and Arctic flowering plants are abundant, but there are no trees excepting occasional dwarf willows. ( घास, काई और आर्कटिक फूल वाले पौधे प्रचुर मात्रा में हैं, लेकिन कभी-कभार बौने विलो को छोड़कर कोई पेड़ नहीं हैं। )

More Sentence

  • And with this answer the dwarf departed.
  • Stubbs looked at the dwarf in surprise.
  • The dwarf eyed him approvingly.
  • The dwarf bowed his head in some confusion.
  • If I can get that, that will dwarf these tapes.
  • How a knight and a dwarf strove for a lady.
  • The dwarf looked across at her maid.
  • He did so, but the dwarf said nothing.
  • The dwarf made no reply, but became silent.
  • The prickly ash, Virginian creeper and staff-tree find here their northern limit; and the mountain maple, Canada blueberry, dwarf birch and ground hemlock their southern limit.
  • But the connexion of the god with Puoni may have grown out of the fact that dwarf dancers were especially brought to Egypt from Ethiopia and Puoni.
  • a dwarf conifer