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dutch courage - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dutch courage in Hindi

  • डच निवासी जैसा साहस
  • नशे की हिम्मत

dutch courage Definition


  • strength or confidence gained from drinking alcohol.

dutch courage Example

  • I'll have a couple of drinks to give me Dutch courage ( मुझे डच हिम्मत देने के लिए मैं कुछ ड्रिंक लूंगा )
  • "I think there's a certain kind of Dutch courage that it probably gives you. ( "मुझे लगता है कि एक निश्चित प्रकार का डच साहस है जो शायद आपको देता है। )
  • A more likely explanation is the link with Dutch courage, Dutch auction or to go Dutch. ( एक अधिक संभावित स्पष्टीकरण डच साहस, डच नीलामी या डच जाने के लिए लिंक है। )
  • Another term, " Dutch courage, " was the Brits'way of saying the Dutch got their courage from a bottle. ( एक और शब्द, "डच साहस", यह कहने का ब्रिट्स का तरीका था कि डचों को एक बोतल से साहस मिला। )

More Sentence

  • The league was founded in March 2010, by Trudy Hannon ( Joanie Trash ) and Kyla Sinclair ( Dutch Courage ).
  • Joe made a hasty retreat to the local alehouse in an attempt to gain Dutch courage prior to breaking the news to Linda.
  • She also wrote prefaces to his writings that were published posthumously, including " Dutch Courage and Other Stories " ( 1922 ).
  • However, the drunk Vikings also have a random'invincibility'about them, which can occasionally lead to one of them-laden with Dutch courage-taking out most of an opposition army.
  • Those who were a bit apprehensive of venturing out had plenty of Dutch courage at their disposal at the nearby Anglers Rest bar, which was the headquarters for the day.
  • Their debut album, " Dutch Courage ", was released in February 2008 and has gone on to be arguably the most successful of all the Fokofpolisiekar offshoot bands.