dust strom - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dust strom in Hindi
- धूल से भरा हुआ तूफ़ान
- आंधी
- झक्कड़
dust strom Definition
- a strong, turbulent wind which carries clouds of fine dust, soil, and sand over a large area.
dust strom Example
- A dust storm was probably brewing. ( शायद धूल भरी आंधी चल रही थी। )
- When overtaken by a dust-storm it falls on its knees, and stretching its neck along the sand, closes its nostrils and remains thus motionless till the atmosphere clears; and in this position it affords some shelter to its driver, who, wrapping his face in his mantle, crouches behind his beast. ( धूल भरी आंधी में आकर वह अपने घुटनों पर गिर जाता है, और अपनी गर्दन को रेत के साथ खींचकर, अपने नथुने बंद कर लेता है और इस प्रकार तब तक गतिहीन रहता है जब तक कि वातावरण साफ न हो जाए; और इस स्थिति में यह अपने चालक को कुछ आश्रय देता है, जो अपने चेहरे को अपने मेंटल में लपेटकर, अपने जानवर के पीछे झुक जाता है। )
- Sutherland, from Scotland, has never seen the likes of a dust storm. ( स्कॉटलैंड के सदरलैंड ने कभी धूल भरी आंधी नहीं देखी। )
- The chopper's blinding dust storm stops the smugglers in their tracks. ( हेलिकॉप्टर की अंधाधुंध धूल भरी आंधी तस्करों को उनके रास्ते में रोक देती है। )
More Sentence
- We played in a dust storm in Oklahoma and all through the South.
- This place is packed after yesterday's dust storm.
- The dust storm has reduced visibility to nearly zero.
- Like Samantha getting Adrians warning about the dust storm.
- A dust storm was on horizon, slowly approaching the road.
- But even a venerable institution can raise a dust storm.
- Nothing like landing in the middle of a dust storm.
- The dust storm might work in their favor, but it would only increase their discomfort.
- This isn't the first dust storm you've been through, is it?
- He watched explosions wrack his planet until they rose high enough that the toxic dust storm he'd started marred the surface of the planet from view.