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duplication - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of duplication in Hindi

  • प्रतिलिपि
  • आवृत्ति
  • प्रतिलिपिकरण
  • द्विगुणन
  • अनुलिपिकरण


  • प्रतिलिपि
  • प्रतिरूप
  • दोहराने की प्रणाली

duplication Definition


  • the action or process of duplicating something.

duplication Example

  • an attempt to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort ( प्रयास के अनावश्यक दोहराव से बचने का प्रयास )
  • Such duplication of railways involves a waste of capital. ( रेलवे के इस तरह के दोहराव में पूंजी की बर्बादी शामिल है। )
  • The duplication of the flagellum begins at its proximal end, that which is in relation with the kinetonucleus. ( फ्लैगेलम का दोहराव इसके समीपस्थ छोर से शुरू होता है, जो कि किनेटोन्यूक्लियस के संबंध में होता है। )
  • In both these rites we seem to have a duplication of ritual, and the parallelism of sacrifice and liberation is clear. ( इन दोनों कर्मकांडों में हमें कर्मकांड का दोहराव दिखाई देता है, और बलिदान और मुक्ति की समानता स्पष्ट है। )

More Sentence

  • Appointed minister of the treasury in the first Di Rudini cabinet of 1891, he imprudently abolished the system of frequent clearings of bank-notes between the state banks, a measure which facilitated the duplication of part of the paper currency and hastened the bank crisis of 1893.
  • This is simply a process of duplication.
  • The dynamics of duplication and repetition.
  • Both duplication and profit are tool dynamics.
  • All forms of duplication are life-threatening.
  • The only thing Science is good at is duplication.
  • After all, duplication is the name of the game!.
  • All duplication comes from tools being duplicated.
  • He trusted in the power of leverage and duplication.
  • And even there, its duplication is a hoax and a lie.
  • The motive of some of the substitutions was to avoid the confusion which must have ensued from the duplication of previously existing native asterisms; thus, the Egyptian and Greek Lions were composed of totally different stars.: Abstractions in other cases replaced concrete objects, with the general result of effacing the distinctive character of the Greek zodiac as a " circle of living things."