drops - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of drops in Hindi
drops Definition
- a very small amount of liquid that forms a round shape
- a small amount of liquid
drops Example
- He took the glass with the drops and again went up to the cot. ( उसने बूंदों के साथ गिलास लिया और फिर से खाट पर चढ़ गया। )
- Their gazes followed the drops of blood as they fell from her arm to the marble flooring. ( जब वे उसके हाथ से संगमर मर के फर्श पर गिरे तो उनकी निगाहें खून की बूंदों के पीछे लगीं। )
- The bare twigs in the garden were hung with transparent drops which fell on the freshly fallen leaves. ( बगीचे में नंगी टहनियों को पारदर्शी बूंदों से लटका दिया गया था जो ताजा गिरे हुए पत्तों पर गिरती थीं। )
- " The optometrist put some drops in my eyes, and now everything looks blurry. ( "ऑप्टोमेट्रिस्ट ने मेरी आँखों में कुछ बूँदें डालीं, और अब सब कुछ धुंधला दिखाई दे रहा है। )
More Sentence
- Everything was a blur after the doctor put drops in my eyes.
- A Tibetan proverb suggests that words are mere bubbles of water, whereas deeds are drops of gold.
- In Samoa, it is customary to spill a few drops before drinking kava, the national beverage.
- A Tibetan proverb suggests that words are mere bubbles of water, whereas deeds are drops of gold.
- A Persian proverb notes that drops that gather one by one finally become a sea.
- She spotted the maroon drops on the pad of one thumb and drew his hand up to her lips.
- This coming from the man who drops into secret meetings of Others?