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drop off - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of drop off in Hindi


  • बाहर निकलना
  • बाहर निकल आना
  •  चला जाना
  • मरना
  • मर जाना
  • दम टूटना

drop off Definition


  • a decline or decrease.

drop off Example

  • He paid each day and he didn't drop off his rent. ( उसने हर दिन भुगतान किया और उसने अपना किराया नहीं छोड़ा। )
  • I could drop off the radar for a time. ( मैं कुछ समय के लिए राडार को गिरा सकता था। )
  • A good shipping services provider will offer a large number of pick-up and drop-off centers. ( एक अच्छा शिपिंग सेवा प्रदाता बड़ी संख्या में पिक-अप और ड्रॉप-ऑफ केंद्रों की पेशकश करेगा। )
  • A flat shelf drops off to the next shelf and so on. ( एक फ्लैट शेल्फ अगले शेल्फ पर गिर जाता है और इसी तरह। )

More Sentence

  • Officials say they expect growth to drop off later in the year.
  • Business is expected to drop off once City Hall closes for repairs.
  • I water and fertilize but most of the flowers just drop off.
  • I guess people did say the baby weight would drop off once he started crawling.  
  • A team of workers has just hit the streets to drop off leaflets, knock on doors and talk to local people about the new service.  
  • Her house is four blocks from her office, and she can drop off her kids at school before work, because their schools are less than a mile away.  
  • People would come in and drop off bags of clothes by the carload, many of the items still with the tags on them.
  • How do you intend to maintain that should such spending drop off?
  • Adding today a spasmolytic intravenous drug we got from the drop off.
  • The shuttle will also drop off three new space station residents.
  • They adsO $ note that the economy could drop off again.
  • What is her policy on pick-up and drop-off, and who will be allowed to pick up your child?
  • Unfortunately, you're not likely to find an exotic limousine rental for one hour or just pick-up and drop-off service.