drool - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of drool in Hindi
drool Definition
- drop saliva uncontrollably from the mouth.
- saliva falling from the mouth.
drool Example
- Drool crusted one corner of his mouth. ( डोलोल ने उसके मुंह के एक कोने को कुचल दिया। )
- Watching Sam drool over him – especially during a job interview – left Carmen feeling uncertain about the girl. ( सैम को उसके ऊपर डोलते हुए देखना - विशेष रूप से एक नौकरी के साक्षात्कार के दौरान - कारमेन को लड़की के बारे में अनिश्चित महसूस करना छोड़ दिया। )
- I will not drool on my Mommy's friends. ( मैं अपनी मम्मी के दोस्तों पर फिदा नहीं होऊंगा। )
- Eyeing the steak on the neighboring table, the dieting woman couldn’t help but drool. ( पास की मेज पर स्टेक को देखकर, परहेज़ करने वाली महिला मदद नहीं कर सकती थी, लेकिन लार टपक रही थी। )
More Sentence
- Babbling and laughing, the teething baby began to drool all over his bib.
- Staring up at the superstar, the fan tried not to drool over the R&B legend.
- The man was embarrassed by his tendency to drool all over the pillow while he sleeps.
- His drool ran down and into his ear.
- Look at the way you drool over Astarte.
- Also, they tend to drool, snore, and are.
- It was like he was holding back his drool.
- He'll probably drool, Courtney thought bitterly.
- Yet, they still drool when he in their presence.
- To the point where drool from their mouths drip!.
- Some of them can read and most of them don't drool.
- A reoccurring sinus infection caused the woman to drool and drip saliva from her mouth.
- One of these funky printed bibs will make a little dribbler look cool while they drool!
- You can sit on a sofa and play the guitars on display, or just drool quietly to yourself.