drive - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of drive in Hindi
- ड्राइव
- चलाना
- अभियान
- सैर
- आंदोलन
- आना-जाना
- चलाना
- गाड़ी चलाना
- हांकना
- ठोंकना
- बाध्य करना
- कार द्वारा जाना
- बाहन-द्वारा ले जाना
- ढकेलना
drive Definition
- operate and control the direction and speed of a motor vehicle.
- propel or carry along by force in a specified direction.
- (of a fact or feeling) compel (someone) to act in a particular way, especially one that is considered undesirable or inappropriate.
- urge or force (animals or people) to move in a specified direction.
- a trip or journey in a car.
- an innate, biologically determined urge to attain a goal or satisfy a need.
- an organized effort by a number of people to achieve a particular purpose, often to raise money.
- the transmission of power to machinery or to the wheels of a motor vehicle.
- (in ball games) a forceful stroke made with a free swing of the bat, racket, or foot against the ball.
- an act of driving a group of animals to a particular destination.
drive Example
- from the window he could see right down the weedy drive to the front gate ( खिड़की से वह सीधे सामने के गेट तक वीडी ड्राइव को देख सकता था )
- I advised him not to drive. ( मैंने उसे गाड़ी न चलाने की सलाह दी। )
- we need to allow market forces to drive growth in the telecommunications sector ( हमें दूरसंचार क्षेत्र में विकास को गति देने के लिए बाजार की ताकतों को अनुमति देने की आवश्यकता है )
- She could drive, if someone would simply tell her where they were. ( वह गाड़ी चला सकती थी, अगर कोई उसे बस यह बताए कि वे कहाँ हैं। )
- an 80-yard scoring drive ( एक 80-यार्ड स्कोरिंग ड्राइव )
- Do you know how to drive a car? ( क्या आप कार चलाना जानते हैं? )
- he experimented with chain drive to run the propeller ( उन्होंने प्रोपेलर को चलाने के लिए चेन ड्राइव के साथ प्रयोग किया )
- insert the disk into drive A ( डिस्क को ड्राइव A . में डालें )
More Sentence
- I would not be one of those who will foolishly drive a nail into mere lath and plastering; such a deed would keep me awake nights.
- While the right thing to do is never to drive drunk, be a smoker, or be a racist, occasionally war is the right thing to do.
- her drive has sustained her through some shattering personal experiences
- the interface can be used to drive a printer
- I take it you can drive?
- I went for a drive in the country.
- he wanted to drive me away
- She doesn't know how to drive a car.
- the wind will drive you onshore
- he threw the car into drive
- My mother has a driver's license, but she doesn't drive a car.
- If people were permanently obsessed with food, all individual thought, all capacity to argue, even people's sex drive, would disappear.
- they went for a drive in the country
- Thirty minutes later she was walking down the drive to meet Connie, never having betrayed his trust.
- a hard drive to left field
- Fortunately, her father heard a car drive away so the time of abduction was clearly set.
- we're planning a massive membership drive
- She bought him a car, but he didn't have a driver's license so he couldn't drive it anywhere.
- Greg hit a good drive at the 18th