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dread - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dread in Hindi


  • भय
  • डर
  • आतंक
  • शंका
  • डरावना
  • पचियों को डराने का पुतला
  • ख़ौफ़
  • काग-डरावा
  • विभीषिका

dread Definition


  • anticipate with great apprehension or fear.


  • great fear or apprehension.
  • a person with dreadlocks.


  • greatly feared; dreadful.

dread Example

  • he was stricken with the dread disease and died ( वह भयानक बीमारी से त्रस्त हो गया और मर गया )
  • A feeling of dread was in the air. ( हवा में भय का भाव था। )
  • Reading these letters, Nicholas felt a dread of their wanting to take him away from surroundings in which, protected from all the entanglements of life, he was living so calmly and quietly. ( इन पत्रों को पढ़कर, निकोलस ने उन्हें अपने परिवेश से दूर ले जाने की इच्छा के बारे में एक भय महसूस किया, जिसमें जीवन के सभी उलझावों से सुरक्षित, वह इतनी शांति और शांति से रह रहा था। )
  • Dread settled into his stomach. ( उसके पेट में खौफ बस गया। )

More Sentence

  • Her sense of dread grew as she approached and followed Jonny into his apartment.
  • Dread crept into the woman’s throat as she spotted a shadowy figure at the opposite end of the dark alley.
  • Terror and dread filled the minds of all of the passengers aboard the failing aircraft.  
  • The man moaned in dread, remembering that he only had a few more days before major surgery.  
  • Peeking through the curtains, the once calm performer was filled with dread after spotting the enormous crowd.  
  • With a look of dread, she went ahead of him.
  • I used to have a dread of Sunday afternoons
  • that dread being we dare oppose
  • I dread to think what Russell will say
  • the thought of returning to New Jersey filled her with dread