drawn-out - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of drawn-out in Hindi
drawn-out Definition
- lasting longer than necessary
drawn-out Example
- A first scheme, indicated by him, was immediately drawn out by two French engineers who were in the Egyptian service, MM. ( उनके द्वारा इंगित पहली योजना, दो फ्रांसीसी इंजीनियरों द्वारा तुरंत तैयार की गई थी जो मिस्र की सेवा, एमएम में थे। )
- The visceral hump is low and not drawn out into a spire. ( आंत का कूबड़ कम होता है और एक शिखर में नहीं खींचा जाता है। )
- We try to avoid long , drawn - out meetings ( हम लंबी, खींची हुई बैठकों से बचने की कोशिश करते हैं )
- We could have a long , drawn - out good - bye ( हमारे पास एक लंबा, खींचा हुआ अच्छा-अलविदा हो सकता है )
More Sentence
- By her sweetness ivy managed to survive the drawn - out brutality
- Although her ugly divorce was drawn - out and expensive , she wants to move on with her life
- Parties mutuallyagree to submit to arbitration in the hope toavoiding drawn - out public clashes in thecourts
- The patient bull won ' t have a problem plodding through educational books or drawn - out su e e thrillers
- There followed a long - drawn - out legal tussle over the compensation to be paid to the bereaved families
- The patient bull won ' t have a problem plodding through educational books or drawn - out suspense thrillers
- But a long, drawn-out process is difficult for Sagittarians.
- But having these very vivid and drawn-out flash backs (lasting.
- The moral of this drawn-out and somewhat twisted tale is… Uuuhh.
- With a screech so drawn-out, long and loud it seemed as if the wood.
- Tonight this long, drawn-out story comes to an end, he said, smiling.
- In 1969 and 1974, a few of these phony, drawn-out rallies lasted up to 15 weeks.
- After a single drawn-out convulsion, her foe’s body flopped lifelessly and remained still.
- Oh, my, she said as if overwhelmed by the task of recounting a long and drawn-out storyline.
- After the brutal long - drawn - out tribal war , the common people living in the area are all yearning for peace and security
- Divorce and drawn-out custody battles play a role in many kids' lives.
- The ring-canal is drawn out in Narcomedusae into festoons corresponding with the lobes of the margin, and may be obliterated altogether (Solmaris).