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draughty - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of draughty in Hindi


  • वायु के झोंकों से पूर्ण

draughty Definition


  • draughts, (used with a singular verb)British. the game of checkers.
  • Chiefly British

draughty Example

  • Unless suitable fresh air inlets are provided, this form of stove will cause the room to be draughty, the strong current of warm air up the flue drawing cold air in through the crevices in the doors and windows. ( जब तक उपयुक्त ताजी हवा के प्रवेश द्वार प्रदान नहीं किए जाते हैं, चूल्हे का यह रूप कमरे को सूखा बना देगा, गर्म हवा की तेज धारा दरवाजे और खिड़कियों में दरारों के माध्यम से ठंडी हवा खींचती है। ) 
  • Max was shocked when he realized they were all huddled in there, talking and occasionally laughing as though they were waiting for a rather late bus in a draughty bus shelter. ( मैक्स चौंक गया जब उसने महसूस किया कि वे सभी वहां फंस गए थे, बात कर रहे थे और कभी-कभी हंस रहे थे जैसे कि वे एक ढीली बस शेल्टर में देर से बस की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे थे। )
  • Bob however was tired, and he found himself drifting in and out of slumber, whilst all around him the melodies of mobiles and the constant hum of chatter whistled through the draughty carriage. ( बॉब हालांकि थक गया था, और उसने खुद को नींद से अंदर और बाहर बहते हुए पाया, जबकि उसके चारों ओर मोबाइल की धुन और लगातार गड़गड़ाहट भरी गाड़ी के माध्यम से सीटी बजाई गई थी। )

More Sentence

  • The leaky, draughty barn stands in for the heavens in which they will shortly be play acting.
  • The gown proved comfortable for studying in unheated and draughty buildings and thus became a tradition in the universities.
  • The Baroque house, too large and draughty for such habitation was left untouched and used as a warehouse.
  • The cab was horribly draughty, and an overspill from the tank filler-hole kept the footplate perpetually wet.
  • During the Second World War, a draughty, rectangular, corrugated-iron hut on the top of the tump sheltered Dundry glider landings.
  • Three weeks rehearsal in a draughty drill hall, technical breakdown in your one big scene, and then your play goes out on BBC2?
  • With Christina's strict schedule he was invited to the cold and draughty castle at 5 : 00 AM daily to discuss philosophy and religion.
  • It's difficult to see draughty in a sentence .
  • It did take some of the villagers' corn, because that is what it ate, but it made up for it by removing all the little stones from the soil after the farmers had ploughed the fields (the little stones were perfect for filling in the draughty cracks and gaps in the monster's cave).
  • But he had had a long day, with many events crowded into it; and sheets and blankets were very friendly and comforting things, after plain straw, and not too much of it, spread on the stone floor of a draughty cell; and his head had not been many seconds on his pillow before he was snoring happily.
  • Meagre, within a draughty hut,.