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doz. - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of doz. in Hindi

  • दर्जन

doz. Definition

  • dozen
  • dicker

doz. Example

  • When I was in college, the only thing I remember was No-Doz. ( जब मैं कॉलेज में था, तो मुझे केवल एक चीज याद थी, वह थी नो-डोज। )
  • No Doz and Aqua-Ban have 200 per dose, and Dexatrim 200. ( नो डोज़ और एक्वा-बैन में प्रति खुराक 200 है, और डेक्सैट्रिम 200 है। )
  • You shouldn't think of yourselves as opponents during discussions, Doz says. ( डोज़ कहते हैं, आपको चर्चा के दौरान अपने आप को विरोधियों के रूप में नहीं सोचना चाहिए। )
  • She is known by the name of Mickie, or Mary Doz, and her principal merit is youth and a warm constitution. ( वह मिकी, या मैरी डोज़ के नाम से जानी जाती है, और उसकी प्रमुख योग्यता युवा और एक गर्म संविधान है। )

More Sentence

  • It's difficult to see doz in a sentence .
  • I got a half doz plus one for free, a doz donut holes, and a shiny new punch card.
  • In fact, the DoZ is often considered the best place to test new concepts and engines.
  • There is also doz-en, which may be used as a plural.
  • Dr . Magaw married Lucia, daughter of Andrew Doz, of Philadelphia.
  • Stopped in at 9am on Mother's Day to get a Doz.
  • Doz is the leader of a gang in the Pensioner's district.
  • And my 2 doz donuts were only $18 and some change.
  • Not that hungry today, i'll just cut down from 3 doz.
  • Did everybody take their No-Doz?
  • The soldiers, looking doz . weapons, soon found several oil drums on the site.
  • Load up on the No-Doz.
  • I got a latte to go with my cinnamon sugar half doz and I must say, both were very, very good.
  • My Husband ordered 2 doz red roses for Valentine's Day on line from Tele flora.
  • But, reported the Associated Press, it was more than hard work and No-Doz that got the job done.
  • We are obliged for your order, no . 500 , of yesterday’s date, for 100 doz. silk handkerchief.
  • We refer to our Contract No.10 four months ago for 500 doz. shirts.
  • Test shows that the system presents satis – factory results in controlling the variable displacement pump of doz – er.
  • And pass the No-Doz.
  • We are prepared to make the coffee and provide the No-Doz tablets for him this evening, and tomorrow evening, and the evening after that,.
  • The soldiers, looking doz ! weapons, soon found several oil drums on the site.