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downsize - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of downsize in Hindi

  • आकार घटाने

downsize Definition


  • To downsize something such as a business or industry means to make it smaller.
  • American manufacturing organizations have been downsizing their factories.
  • ...a consultant who's helped dozens of companies downsize.
  • ...a trend toward downsizing in the personal computer market.

downsize Example

  • Companies may need to downsize to protect their profits, and changing job duties may endanger some employees who aren't trained in new techniques. ( कंपनियों को अपने मुनाफे की रक्षा के लिए आकार घटाने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है, और नौकरी के कर्तव्यों को बदलने से कुछ कर्मचारियों को खतरा हो सकता है जो नई तकनीकों में प्रशिक्षित नहीं हैं। )
  • The company will have to downsize to less than 100 stores if it wants to avoid bankruptcy and shutting down altogether. ( अगर कंपनी दिवालिया होने और पूरी तरह से बंद होने से बचना चाहती है तो कंपनी को 100 स्टोर से कम स्टोर करना होगा। )  
  • Once their kids left home, the couple decided to downsize their huge SUV to a smaller two-seater.  ( एक बार जब उनके बच्चे घर से चले गए, तो दंपति ने अपनी विशाल एसयूवी को छोटे टू-सीटर में बदलने का फैसला किया। ) 
  • Most republicans want to downsize the federal government and lessen the country’s spending. ( अधिकांश रिपब्लिकन संघीय सरकार को कम करना चाहते हैं और देश के खर्च को कम करना चाहते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Because fewer students are living in the school zone this year, the elementary school will downsize from 4 first grade classes to two.  
  • It might be necessary to downsize in order to save money in all areas of the household budget.
  • The solution is to downsize the business back to a level and size where the entrepreneur can use his skills for daily operations and divest himself of those aspects of the company he prefers not to do.
  • Losing a job for any reason is traumatic enough, but losing a job as the result of a business owner's decision to downsize can be easily misunderstood.
  • For the woman who wants to downsize her collection or just pack a little lighter, this easily solves the problem.
  • Start dividing your estate: This is the time to modify your will, establish trusts, and, as painful as this may be, downsize material goods.
  • One of the most common reasons for seniors purchasing new homes is a need to downsize.
  • Will you stay in your current home or downsize?
  • Its worth considering a permanent downsize in space.
  • This gives businesses more freedom to expand, downsize and relocate.
  • Steve Jobs said, A lot of companies have chosen to downsize, and maybe that was the right.
  • Who says that you have to downsize your lifestyle when you retire? That’s what the Barefoot Retirement Plan is all about.
  • In the end you can sell the home, downsize to something smaller, and use the remaining equity to help fund your retirement.
  • You also need to consider the size of your family and if you expect it to grow or downsize as kids leave home.