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downfall - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of downfall in Hindi


  • पतन
  • अधोगति
  • अपकर्ष
  • बाढ़ का उतार
  •  नाश
  • दुर्घटना
  • टूट-शिकस्त

downfall Definition


  • a loss of power, prosperity, or status.

downfall Example

  • His intractability will prove to be his downfall ( उसकी अडिगता ही उसका पतन सिद्ध होगी )
  • Walpole bent before the storm and abandoned the measure; but Chesterfield was summarily dismissed from his stewardship. For the next two years he led the opposition in the Upper House, leaving no stone unturned to effect Walpole's downfall. ( वालपोल तूफान से पहले झुक गया और नाप को छोड़ दिया; लेकिन चेस्टरफ़ील्ड को सरसरी तौर पर उनके प्रबंधन से बर्खास्त कर दिया गया था। अगले दो वर्षों तक उन्होंने उच्च सदन में विपक्ष का नेतृत्व किया, वालपोल के पतन को प्रभावित करने में कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ी। )
  • The Guelph and popular element which constituted the force and prosperity of Florence was hostile to Pisa, and led to its downfall. ( गेलफ और लोकप्रिय तत्व जिसने फ्लोरेंस की शक्ति और समृद्धि का गठन किया, वह पीसा के प्रति शत्रुतापूर्ण था, और इसके पतन का कारण बना। )
  • Even now, when his authority was at its highest, when his fame filled the land, and the vast cathedral and its precincts lacked space for the crowds flocking to hear him, his enemies were secretly preparing his downfall. ( अब भी, जब उसका अधिकार अपने उच्चतम स्तर पर था, जब उसकी प्रसिद्धि देश भर में भर गई थी, और विशाल गिरजाघर और उसके परिसर में उसे सुनने के लिए भीड़ की भीड़ के लिए जगह की कमी थी, उसके दुश्मन चुपके से उसके पतन की तैयारी कर रहे थे। )

More Sentence

  • It is necessary now to glance at the growth of German influence in the Ottoman Empire as being closely connected with the Turkish downfall.
  • The bursts of merriment signalised the violent downfall of some dangerous opponent.
  • There have been apparently two great factors contributing to the downfall of these organizations.
  • The downfall of her hopes and of her ambition had come through the person she loved best on earth.
  • It was great news, and the possible downfall of my enemy perhaps the least of it.
  • The downfall of rain far exceeded everything that the meteorological bureaus had ever recorded.
  • With the downfall of these two pillars of things established, all else went too.
  • Since his downfall had become generally known, she had noticed a reluctance on his part to get up.
  • His daughter Servilia, who was charged with having consulted the sorcerers, professedly in regard to her father's fate, but in reality with evil designs against the emperor, was involved in his downfall.
  • Thus the congress of Vienna failed to institute any new system for securing the stability of the European polity, nor did it recognize those new forces of liberty and nationality which had really caused Napoleon's downfall.
  • America's downfall began with the decrease of community singing.
  • America's downfall began with the decline of community singing.
  • "Maybe that's a downfall for some people.
  • That's been our No . 1 downfall,"
  • The downfall, though, isn't with the cast.
  • That cocky belief, he says, could be his downfall.
  • Deng's early flirtation with capitalism led to his downfall.
  • He was not, however, destined to compass the downfall of the Sullan regime; the crisis of the Slave War placed the Senate at the mercy of Pompey and Crassus, who in 70 B.C. swept away the safeguards of senatorial ascendancy, restored the initiative in legislation to the tribunes, and replaced the Equestrian order, i.e.
  • Nothing more was accomplished until after the downfall of Maximilian, and with a liberal subsidy from the Mexican government the Ferrocarril Mexicano was pushed to its completion in 1873.
  • The results of this infirmity of purpose are written large on the history of Prussia from the treaty of Luneville in 1801 to the downfall that followed the campaign of Jena in 1806.