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downcast - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of downcast in Hindi


  • उदास
  • मायूस
  • खिन्न
  • निराश
  • म्लान
  • बेदिल
  • अधोमुख

downcast Definition


  • (of a person's eyes) looking downward.
  • (of a person) feeling despondent.


  • a shaft dug in a mine for extra ventilation.

downcast Example

  • you mustn't be downcast ( आपको निराश नहीं होना चाहिए ) 
  • Letting her arms fall helplessly, she sat with downcast eyes and pondered. ( अपनी बाँहों को बेबसी से गिराते हुए, वह नीची आँखों से बैठी और विचार करने लगी। )
  • "Sell me the missis," said another soldier, addressing the German, who, angry and frightened, strode energetically along with downcast eyes. ( "मुझे मिसिस बेच दो," एक अन्य सैनिक ने जर्मन को संबोधित करते हुए कहा, जो गुस्से में और भयभीत होकर, उदास आँखों के साथ ऊर्जावान रूप से आगे बढ़ा। )
  • I was feeling downcast after I learned that I had made an F on my math test, especially since I believed I had done better than that. ( जब मुझे पता चला कि मैंने अपने गणित की परीक्षा में F बना लिया है, तो मैं निराश महसूस कर रहा था, खासकर जब से मुझे विश्वास था कि मैंने इससे बेहतर किया है। )

More Sentence

  • Nothing makes me feel more downcast than missing out on doing something fun because the weather was bad.  
  • A child will easily become downcast if they lose something that entertains them or if keeps their interest.  
  • I was feeling somewhat downcast the other day because I didn’t get to go on the class field trip due to my stomach virus.  
  • "Countess..." said Denisov, with downcast eyes and a guilty face.
  • Balashev stood with downcast eyes, looking at the movements of Napoleon's stout legs and trying to avoid meeting his eyes.
  • God is my witness, I didn't know-" he repeated, stressing the word "God" so unnaturally and so unpleasantly that Princess Mary stood with downcast eyes not daring to look either at her father or at Natasha.
  • Finally he brushed the hay from his shirt and jeans, his gaze downcast as he spoke.
  • Beebee's eyes were downcast now.
  • Noll stood before him with downcast eyes and a trembling lip.
  • It's difficult to see downcast in a sentence .
  • People are talking in the corridors and walking around with downcast faces.
  • Wright said he is refusing to get downcast about a possible deal.
  • Roberts was noticeably downcast upon entering Duke and had the Clippers worried.
  • He said he was not particularly downcast about being back in prison.
  • "I wasn't downcast, " he said.
  • She then promised the downcast Sanchez Vicario that her turn would come.
  • Wearing a business suit and glasses, he appeared downcast.
  • She was knotting her veil and her eyes were downcast when she answered him.
  • Pierre, with downcast eyes, drank out of his glass without looking at Dolokhov or answering him.
  • her modestly downcast eyes