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double-check - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of double-check in Hindi

  • दोहरी जाँच 


  • नये सिरे से जांचना
  • फिर से जांच करना

double-check Definition


  • go over (something) for a second time to ensure that it is accurate or safe.

double-check Example

  • Double-check that all windows are firmly locked ( दोबारा जांचें कि सभी विंडो मजबूती से लॉक हैं )
  • Your name Your e-mail address please double-check that you have entered this correct. ( आपका नाम आपका ई-मेल पता कृपया दोबारा जांच लें कि आपने यह सही दर्ज किया है। )
  • Before you proceed to the payment screen, double-check to see if your coupon code was accepted and your total price reflects the reduced price, special gift or free shipping offer promised as part of the coupon code. ( भुगतान स्क्रीन पर आगे बढ़ने से पहले, यह देखने के लिए दोबारा जांच करें कि क्या आपका कूपन कोड स्वीकार किया गया था और आपकी कुल कीमत कूपन कोड के हिस्से के रूप में वादा किए गए कम कीमत, विशेष उपहार या मुफ्त शिपिंग ऑफ़र को दर्शाती है। )
  • He double-checked all his belongings for the trip. ( उन्होंने यात्रा के लिए अपने सभी सामानों की दोबारा जांच की। )

More Sentence

  • I quickly double-checked the ominous forms on the roofs.
  • Chuck pulled it up higher and double-checked the safety rope.
  • I double-checked the bridge, saw nothing unusual, and said so.
  • He double-checked his notes, got Michael to sign the sheet, and stood.
  • Stefyny double-checked her own knot and met her youngest sister’s eyes.
  • I double-checked that the book was in my rucksack and then I returned to my mattress.
  • Wikipedia volunteers will also double-check articles to ensure there is no plagiarism or copyright violation.
  • With its flight plan in automated mode and with all the parameters double-checked and all systems showing nominal, Tina spoke six words in a calm voice to her pilot.
  • Holtz next punched in the exact location and parameters of the target, plus the wanted terminal velocity of their asteroid missile, closely watched and double-checked by Koslov.
  • He double-checked Angela's security pass and asked her some half-technical questions.
  • She shot me a conspiratorial glance as our father double-checked that the hatch was closed.
  • Tim’s eyebrows turned downward as he double-checked the date and time stamp in front of him.
  • He'd cave to Andre's advice and double-check with Darkyn about whether or not his mate owed the Dark One anything – formally or informally.
  • If you follow these guidelines and double-check to make sure your purchases are included in the approved list for tax credits, then you can save money and have a more energy efficient home.