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dote - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dote in Hindi


  • मूर्ख हो जाना
  • मूर्ख होना
  • स्नेह में डूबना

dote Definition


  • be extremely and uncritically fond of.
  • be silly or feebleminded, especially as a result of old age.

dote Example

  • They make good parents and will dote on their children. ( वे अच्छे माता-पिता बनाते हैं और अपने बच्चों पर ध्यान देंगे। )
  • They need signs that will be sociable and dote on them. ( उन्हें ऐसे संकेतों की आवश्यकता होती है जो मिलनसार हों और उन पर ध्यान दें। )
  • Who will brush your silken coat And who on you will simply dote? ( आपके रेशमी कोट को कौन ब्रश करेगा और आप पर कौन आसानी से ध्यान देगा? )
  • My grandmother loves to dote on her grandchildren and sends us many gifts.   ( मेरी दादी को अपने पोते-पोतियों पर प्यार करना पसंद है और वे हमें कई उपहार भेजती हैं। )

More Sentence

  • When my father was wooing my mother, he would dote on her by writing her love poems.  
  • Our teacher was unfairly showing attention to certain students when she would dote on them in class.  
  • She doted on her daughter, but her whole life was the church,
  • They quickly became friends, Granato the veteran doting on the rookie Blake.
  • But the men also discussed their shared pleasure in doting on grandchildren.
  • He dotes on Marian, even building her a mansion in the country.
  • Gloria suggests he dote on Bette instead and inspire envy in Dot.
  • What a persuasive power that girl had! But to be sure baby Boardman was as good as gold, a perfect little dote in his new fancy bib.
  • Woman has a limited time for men to dote upon, and what a time they give us women in our time! If a woman chooses to remain a marital frog in her dried up well, she would wither away anyway.
  • The symbol for a religion ( woman) is used to purposely illustrate that if a religion were true to its words (stated nature) it would dote over every single person in existence, just as any self-respecting.
  • We all have our little plans for the future--dear rosy things that we dote on and hug to our bosoms with more tenderness even than we hug the babies of our bodies, and the very rosiest and best developed of Mrs.
  • Sarandon is the ex, missed dearly by the children she doted on.
  • In the clinic, Manuel has a pet cat that he dotes on.
  • Jeffrey Murray, who lives next door, said Correa doted on the children.
  • Friends said the parents doted on Cory and his older sister, Taylor.
  • It's difficult to see dote on in a sentence .
  • We were looking for a babysitter who would dote on our children as much as we would.  
  • I would dote on my girlfriend by catering to her every whim.  
  • They have two children that she has always been devoted to, and now she gets to dote on her grandchildren as well, just like Erica.