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dogged - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dogged in Hindi


  • हठी
  • ज़बरदस्त
  • दृढ़
  • म्लान
  • हठीला
  • उदास
  • ज़िट्टी
  • सख़्त

dogged Definition


  • having or showing tenacity and grim persistence.

dogged Example

  • Success required dogged determination. ( सफलता के लिए दृढ़ निश्चय की आवश्यकता है। ) 
  • However, the producers decided to drop the character in order to concentrate the action on Erskine's dogged pursuit of justice. ( हालांकि, निर्माताओं ने एर्स्किन के न्याय की हठधर्मिता पर कार्रवाई पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने के लिए चरित्र को छोड़ने का फैसला किया। )
  • Taurus moon individuals hate to be rushed into commitments, romantic or otherwise, but once they do commit, expect them to be dogged in the pursuit of their goals. ( वृषभ राशि के लोगों को रोमांटिक या अन्य प्रतिबद्धताओं में जल्दबाजी करने से नफरत है, लेकिन एक बार जब वे प्रतिबद्ध हो जाते हैं, तो उनसे अपने लक्ष्यों की खोज में डटे रहने की उम्मीद करते हैं। )
  • Kenneth decided that he was ill at ease and in a state of dogged self-repression. ( केनेथ ने फैसला किया कि वह आराम से बीमार था और आत्म-दमन की स्थिति में था। )

More Sentence

  • He attended to his duties with dogged persistence and in the evenings haunted the gymnasiums.
  • It was the dogged indomitable drive of spiritual forces controlling bodily forces.
  • Rina presented the mask-like face they had grown accustomed to, and maintained a dogged silence.
  • Hickman spoke authoritatively, demanding full explanation, but she maintained a dogged silence.
  • The Mexicans fought with dogged courage, however they may be judged from the events of the war.
  • The only chore left is to put down this bothersome cur that has so dogged me these many months.
  • With courage and dogged perseverance, the Catholic faith was kept alive during the years of persecution.
  • In addition, personal problems, including alcoholism, dogged him throughout his life.
  • That's what's required and a dogged determination to believe in yourself and your project.
  • To this day, the FBI and COINTELPRO are dogged by accusations they assassinated Dr.
  • If he dogged her, she would react and probably lead him into the heart of the story.
  • A silence of dogged determination slowly descended over the group as they struggled on.
  • Despite their lack of progress, his dogged persistence with the case was proof of that.
  • And why should she go about stirring people up and forcing them to be dogged by luggage carts?
  • The sun had finally broken free of the dogged clouds and filtered down through the trees above him.
  • In addition, reforms during the 1990s have removed any lingering stigma that once dogged the Nasdaq.
  • But this I do know, that it is very difficult to display a dogged devotion to a mere spirit, however great.
  • At the final whistle there was much jubilation in the Welsh camp for a dogged performance by the whole of the team.
  • Face dogged enemies, raid unsuspecting villages, woo fair maidens, avoid capture or dig for buried treasure.
  • Whatever the reason, the dogged young minx had the bit between her teeth and wouldn't let go.