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dodgy - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dodgy in Hindi

  • पैंतरेबाज़


  • कुशल
  • छली
  • कपटी

dodgy Definition


  • dishonest or unreliable.

dodgy Example

  • If you're doing something dodgy then Mr Google will find out eventually. ( अगर आप कुछ बेकार कर रहे हैं तो मिस्टर गूगल को आखिरकार पता चल ही जाएगा। )
  • Warning on Dodgy Dessert batch PUBLIC protection chiefs are warning people to steer clear of a rogue batch of a popular dessert. ( डोडी डेसर्ट बैच पर चेतावनी सार्वजनिक सुरक्षा प्रमुख लोगों को एक लोकप्रिय मिठाई के नकली बैच से दूर रहने की चेतावनी दे रहे हैं। )
  • And even if it was possible, it sounds a bit dodgy to me: are you sure we'd get away with it? ( और यहां तक ​​कि अगर यह संभव था, तो यह मुझे थोड़ा अटपटा लगता है: क्या आपको यकीन है कि हम इससे दूर हो जाएंगे? )
  • The dodgy salesman’s shifty eyes made the customers feel like he was trying to sell them a clunker.  ( डोडी सेल्समैन की चंचल आँखों ने ग्राहकों को ऐसा महसूस कराया कि वह उन्हें एक क्लंकर बेचने की कोशिश कर रहा है। )

More Sentence

  • Although he comes off as a little dodgy, the insurance agent isn’t a dishonest or shady guy.  
  • The banker’s dodgy financial dealings have come to light, so now everyone knows he is a crook.
  • What had looked like match for Koch now looked decidedly dodgy
  • Climb down was distinctly dodgy - everything iced over.
  • To be fair, I may have seen a slightly dodgy episode.
  • I also need to do something about the rather dodgy boiler.
  • They are extremely talented musically, but their songs are somewhat dodgy and get tedious after a while.
  • The document subsequently became known as the " Dodgy Dossier ".
  • There can be dodgy delete votes as well, you know.
  • It might be legal, but it is very dodgy ethically.
  • It's difficult to see dodgy in a sentence .
  • I also note there's dodgy evidence being quoted here.
  • Page after page of crap, all from individual dodgy websites.
  • They kept inserting references to a source I thought looked dodgy.
  • :I think some of these guesses sound a bit dodgy.
  • Some of the other sourcing in this article is however dodgy.
  • The Phytotherapy article is not great, with some dodgy sourcing.
  • But it is pretty useless when it comes to toppling dodgy regimes.
  • A Secretary of State who calls Martin McGuinness " Babe " has a pretty dodgy moral compass.