dizzy - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dizzy in Hindi
- चक्कर
- अस्थिर
- चक्कर लानेवाला
- अशांत
- लड़खड़ाने वाला
- अचंभे में डालना
- अचंभे में डाल देना
- हख्का-बक्का करना
dizzy Definition
- having or involving a sensation of spinning around and losing one's balance.
- make (someone) feel unsteady, confused, or amazed.
dizzy Example
- A dizzy blonde ( एक चक्कर गोरा )
- She felt dizzy from breathing off the top of her lungs. ( अपने फेफड़ों के ऊपर से सांस लेने से उसे चक्कर आ रहा था। )
- Maybe being so dizzy is an act with her. ( शायद इतना चक्कर आना उसके साथ एक हरकत है। )
- Feeling dizzy, she stepped back and turned to the man hesitantly. ( चक्कर महसूस करते हुए, वह पीछे हटी और झिझकते हुए उस आदमी की ओर मुड़ी। )
- The blood drained from her head, leaving her dizzy and disoriented. ( उसके सिर से खून बह गया, जिससे वह चक्कर और अस्त-व्यस्त हो गई। )
More Sentence
- The effort made her dizzy.
- She felt dizzy after standing in the sun all dayThe children were spinning around in circles, trying to make themselves dizzy.
- She felt dizzy after standing in the sun all day.
- If you feel dizzy after giving blood, please let the nurse know.
- She shook her head and the motion brought on a dizzy spell.
- And suddenly remembering his intention he grew dizzy and felt so faint that he leaned against the fence to save himself from falling.
- The blood loss and lack of food made her dizzy.
- Great scheme, with dizzy replacement thing as cover-up.
- With Robbins, that means dizzy spells and loss of coordination.
- Clark found she was able to do somersaults without getting dizzy.
- Dizzy Gillespie wore a soul patch, and he had edge.
- Grinkov said he felt dizzy and gently slumped to the ice.
- She could not go into restaurants without becoming dizzy with anxiety.
- I got dizzy, and the world started to swirl around.
- I'm laying on the bathroom floor dizzy and puking.
- He is still dizzy, and he is kind of foggy.
- After 15 minutes, I got dizzy from lack of oxygen.
- "I'm just dizzy right now,"
- The situation has left Fox sports executive director Ed Goren dizzy.
- Celtic stole the number from Cool Papa Bell and Dizzy Dean.
- Two women said they felt dizzy and needed to sit down.
- It made her dizzy just to see the magazine pictures of the climbers, she'd said.
- He looked around, dizzy with happiness
- A sheer, dizzy drop
- Jonathan had begun to suffer dizzy spells
- a dizzy range of hues