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divisive - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of divisive in Hindi


  • बांटनेवाला
  • भाग करनेवाला

divisive Definition


  • tending to cause disagreement or hostility between people.

divisive Example

  • The highly divisive issue of abortion ( गर्भपात का अत्यधिक विभाजनकारी मुद्दा )
  • Modi made a speech that revealed a development-driven agenda—not divisive but potentially unifying. ( मोदी ने एक भाषण दिया जिसने विकास-संचालित एजेंडे को प्रकट किया- विभाजनकारी नहीं बल्कि संभावित रूप से एकजुट करने वाला। )
  • He states, Old-fashioned concepts of race are not only socially divisive, but scientifically wrong. ( वे कहते हैं, नस्ल की पुराने जमाने की अवधारणाएं न केवल सामाजिक रूप से विभाजनकारी हैं, बल्कि वैज्ञानिक रूप से गलत हैं। )
  • Going through a divisive pain, only hurts for the short time that it takes for the withdrawels to disappear. ( एक विभाजनकारी दर्द से गुजरते हुए, केवल थोड़े समय के लिए दर्द होता है जो कि वापसी को गायब होने में लगता है। )

More Sentence

  • And how divisive and anti-social, rather than unifying, dogma has been, and how deadening to real moral endeavor!
  • Even an attempt to unite upon an expression concerning the Wilmot Proviso was regarded as so divisive that it was not permitted to come to a vote.
  • The author has provided what is certain to be an epic firsthand account of a critical episode in that acutely divisive era.  
  • And one suspects that if the survey results were broken down by geographic region, it would be even less divisive in many red states.  
  • The issue of gays serving in the military is one that is both controversial and divisive.  
  • He argues that young-earth creationism has become a divisive force that is harming the work of the church.  
  • At the same time, however, we need to oppose the divisive asylum system and the immigration laws that underpin it.  
  • It shocks me that gay and lesbian relationships can still be such a divisive issue for so many people.  
  • No position could have been more incendiary or divisive in the years leading up to the Civil War.  
  • Instead the Minister has produced a divisive, confrontational Bill which will be resisted ever more resolutely by right-minded rural people.  
  • It is irresponsible and reckless to loosely talk about one of the most divisive, hurtful symbols in American history.  
  • The transatlantic dispute over genetic engineering threatens to be much more divisive.  
  • The 1968 campaign had been divisive as it was fought in the shadow of the Vietnam War.  
  • World Weddings tells five personal stories of nuptials in extreme, hazardous or divisive situations around the world.
  • But experts reading those words, whether in translation or in the original Arabic, describe the language as divisive and militant.
  • Like Frederick II, Joseph was anticlerical and wanted to eliminate religion as a divisive force in his kingdom.
  • There exists a very fine line that separates divisive or ―offensive‖ from (genuinely) hateful forms of speech.
  • The brief document, which ended nine months of divisive debate and anxiety, was tabled in a solemn Legislative Council.
  • Toward this end some of the nastiest, most reckless, and divisive politics in Washington is played out over judicial nominations.
  • Since the candidates are attacking each other with such fervor, this political battle is going to result in one of the most divisive elections ever.  
  • The Civil War was the most divisive American war because it ripped the country apart.  
  • Because the topic of immigration reform is so divisive, it has completely separated the nation.
  • And yet, the Shah model of fighting elections has also thrown up real concerns of a worrying revival of communally divisive politics.
  • She was Christian like me and that tied us even more closely though, at the time, religion was not as divisive an issue as it is today.
  • Since their introduction in 1985 Legislative Council proceedings had become more animated, contentious and at times divisive in character.