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divert - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of divert in Hindi

  • डाइवर्ट


  • मोड़ना
  • ध्यान हटाना
  • राह से परे मोड़ना
  • राह से परे हटाना
  • मनोरंजन करना
  • वंचित करना
  • बदलना
  • पलटना
  • दूसरे मार्ग पर ले जाना
  • फेर देना

divert Definition


  • cause (someone or something) to change course or turn from one direction to another.
  • draw (the attention) of someone from something.

divert Example

  • public relations policies are sometimes intended to divert attention away from criticism ( जनसंपर्क नीतियां कभी-कभी आलोचना से ध्यान हटाने के लिए होती हैं )
  • She eagerly latched on to his comment, hoping to divert her own mind to something less disturbing. ( वह उत्सुकता से उसकी टिप्पणी पर टिकी रही, इस उम्मीद में कि वह अपने दिमाग को किसी कम परेशान करने वाली चीज़ की ओर ले जाए। )
  • The thieves knew to divert the shopkeeper’s attention so they could steal the items. ( चोर दुकानदार का ध्यान भटकाना जानते थे ताकि वे सामान चुरा सकें। )
  • I had to keep their attention because they continued to divert from the task at hand. ( मुझे उनका ध्यान रखना पड़ा क्योंकि वे हाथ में काम से भटकते रहे। )

More Sentence

  • Not wanting to divert attention away from the bride, she decided to not wear white.  
  • When my wife asked me to pick up milk from the store, I had to divert my route home from work.
  • The revolt of Liege and Dinant intervened to divert his attention from the affairs of France.
  • Charles de Lesseps, a victim offered to the fury of the politicians, tried to divert the storm upon his head and prevent it from reaching his father.
  • A diminished supply of water at the root is requisite, so as to check energy of growth, or rather to divert it from leaf-making.
  • But neither earthquakes nor the plague, to which it was also peculiarly liable, could divert trade and prosperity from it.
  • In order to divert the attention of Chanda Sahib and his French auxiliaries from the siege of Trichinopoly, Clive suggested an attack upon Arcot and offered to command the expedition.
  • _Divert a portion of payroll taxes into privately managed accounts.
  • Craig said at one point, trying to divert his questioners.
  • There has been no lack of news to divert their attention.
  • The staff tries to divert children with severe problems to hospitals.
  • It's difficult to see divert in a sentence .
  • Opponents said it would divert funding from public to private schools.
  • The works rendered it necessary to divert the influx of the Grange from the Carron to the Forth.
  • On the northern frontier of the empire he kept the Avars in check by inducing the Serbs to migrate from the Carpathians to the Balkan lands so as to divert the attention of the Avars.
  • In fact, it helped divert her attention from her illness.
  • Can you override their instructions and divert us?
  • Divert all other inbound traffic to their secondary ports.
  • The evil spirits are wily and always try to divert their.
  • Society learned to divert from the quest for external power.
  • That done, I had nothing left to divert my mind so I waited.
  • Criticize, oppose; oppose, criticize, then block and divert.
  • Mythos sirens and the traffic began to divert out of the way.
  • Yes, we disrupt things here, cause problems, divert their.
  • Nicholas sighed, bit his mustache, and laid out the cards for a patience, trying to divert his mother's attention to another topic.
  • a scheme to divert water from the river to irrigate agricultural land