diurnal - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of diurnal in Hindi
diurnal Definition
- of or during the day.
- daily; of each day.
diurnal Example
- Diurnal aberration ( दैनिक विपथन )
- The species of the genus Lemur are diurnal, and may be recognized by the length of the muzzle, and the large tufted ears. ( जीनस लेमुर की प्रजातियां दैनिक हैं, और थूथन की लंबाई और बड़े गुच्छेदार कानों से पहचाना जा सकता है। )
- The diurnal mountain winds are very strongly marked on the Himalaya, where they probably are the most active agents in determining the precipitation of rain along the chain - the monsoon currents, as before stated, not penetrating among the mountains. ( हिमालय पर प्रतिदिन पर्वतीय पवनें बहुत दृढ़ता से अंकित होती हैं, जहाँ वे संभवतः श्रृंखला के साथ वर्षा की वर्षा को निर्धारित करने में सबसे सक्रिय कारक हैं - मानसून धाराएँ, जैसा कि पहले कहा गया है, पहाड़ों के बीच में प्रवेश नहीं करती हैं। )
- John found it hard to work a diurnal job after being on the night shift for fifteen years. ( पंद्रह वर्षों तक रात्रि पाली में रहने के बाद जॉन को दैनिक कार्य करना कठिन लगा। )
- In the desert, there are few diurnal animals because of the high daytime temperatures. ( उच्च दिन के तापमान के कारण रेगिस्तान में, कुछ दैनिक जानवर हैं। )
More Sentence
- The diurnal animal wears itself out during the day and sleeps all night.
- Unfortunately my son suffers from a diurnal urinary issue which causes him to urinate on himself throughout the day.
- The uniform speed of the diurnal motion is 15° per hour.
- All general exemptions to display or sell diurnal birds of prey were revoked with effect from 31 March 1998.
- Annual and Diurnal Variations.-At Wolfenbi ttel, Elster and Geitel found A vary but little with the season.
- Ostriches are diurnal, but may be active on moonlit nights.
- In cases such as the zebra mussel, diurnal mongoose ).
- In Jupiter, the god of diurnal ( daylight ) thunder.
- The Santa Cruz Mountains are subject to sharp diurnal temperature fluctuations.
- The nilgai is diurnal ( active mainly during the day ).
- Like most New World monkeys, they are diurnal and arboreal.
- Natal dens are usually larger and more complex than diurnal dens.
- It is diurnal and rests for up to half the day.
- A more considerable defect is due to the earth having a diurnal rotation relative to a Newtonian base, and this is never wholly ignored.
- Take a base attached to the centre of the earth, but without this diurnal rotation.
- Wheeled by me, even as if the earth had rolled With visible motion her diurnal round.
- There is a perceptible increase of oyster-shops and other establishments for the accommodation of a transitory diurnal multitude.
- For example they do not really apply to axes fixed in the earth because of the diurnal rotation of that body.
- I cannot forget that each of them means the way in which men and women have managed and are managing their diurnal round.
- The earth in its diurnal revolutions travels at the rate of a little more than 1000 miles an hour at the equator.
- This diurnal revolution admits of the most delicate measurement, and, in all respects, is the most available for a unit measure.
- Thus, while the earth makes one diurnal revolution, we have continually many days in different stages of progress on our planet.
- And then, to the practised frequenter, how, one by one, endeared figures and faces disappear from that diurnal stage!
- Practically clocks are regulated by reference to the diurnal rotation of the earth relatively to the stars, which affords a measurement on the repetition principle agreeing with other methods, but more accurate than that given by any existing clock.
- It has lower rainfall and higher diurnal temperature variation than Pokolbin.
- Is also a diurnal however it can be active on warm nights
- Workers are diurnal and foraging during the day and at night.
- This type of colouring is also found in genera of quite distinct sub-families of butterflies, namely in Danainae and Pierinae, as well as in some diurnal moths, all of which occur in the same district as the Ithomiinae.
- Diurnal rhythms