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distressing - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of distressing in Hindi


  • विक्षुब्ध
  • परेशान
  • चिंतातुर
  • रंजीदा करनेवाला

distressing Definition


  • causing anxiety, sorrow or pain; upsetting.

distressing Example

  • Some very distressing news ( कुछ बहुत ही परेशान करने वाली खबर )
  • It must be distressing, trying to make logical plans about your future. ( अपने भविष्य के बारे में तार्किक योजनाएँ बनाने की कोशिश करते हुए, यह कष्टप्रद होगा। )
  • What emotions were distressing her this time? ( इस बार कौन सी भावनाएँ उसे परेशान कर रही थीं? )
  • She listened as one distressing detail followed another. ( उसने सुना क्योंकि एक परेशान करने वाला विवरण दूसरे का अनुसरण करता है। )

More Sentence

  • The other distressing issue was her lack of trust in Tadeo.
  • Fridays, Fred noted, arrived with a distressing regularity.
  • Nevertheless, we can suppress the more distressing symptoms.
  • Again, my mind was a flood of distressing thoughts and images.
  • It was very distressing then, and it is very distressing now.
  • Therefore, the preset imbroglio, however distressing, could not.
  • Children should not be forced to do things they find distressing.
  • The status of scientists and teachers is distressing and even beggarly.
  • "It's a very distressing situation,"
  • This was especially distressing since Adam used to actually enjoy homework.
  • Even more distressing was the manner in which they had played.
  • In all, a thorough _ and thoroughly distressing _ defeat.
  • Madeleine has gone mad!' you do not believe me! that is distressing.
  • It is distressing to think about.
  • How distressing to be in such a state here!
  • It was distressing and tiresome too.
  • You say such distressing things.
  • Could anything be more distressing or humiliating?
  • Jack felt himself in a distressing predicament.
  • To me both alternatives are distressing in prospect.
  • The last was both a happy occurrence and a distressing one for Loric.
  • Alas, I have still to recount the most distressing period of my life.
  • It is very distressing, because who—? That’s the question!.
  • But one distressing circumstance totally thwarted the Canadian's plans.
  • As she continued to ask these distressing questions, we left the cemetery.
  • Our last session on the day ended on a sad note that was very distressing to Howie.
  • Indeed this treatment might be not only distressing but harmful.