distinctly - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of distinctly in Hindi
- साफ़
- स्पष्ट रूप से
- प्रत्यक्ष
- स्पष्टतया
- स्पष्टतः
distinctly Definition
- in a way that is readily distinguishable by the senses; clearly.
distinctly Example
- Two distinctly different cultures ( दो अलग-अलग संस्कृतियां )
- I remember distinctly when she first attempted to read a little story. ( मुझे स्पष्ट रूप से याद है जब उसने पहली बार एक छोटी सी कहानी पढ़ने का प्रयास किया था। )
- It was not the suburban neighborhood he had expected to find, but a distinctly rural one. ( यह वह उपनगरीय पड़ोस नहीं था जिसकी उन्होंने तलाश की थी, बल्कि एक विशिष्ट ग्रामीण इलाका था। )
- It was always distinctly heard by his companion, to whose time of going to bed it had no relation. ( यह हमेशा उसके साथी द्वारा स्पष्ट रूप से सुना जाता था, जिसका बिस्तर पर जाने के समय से कोई संबंध नहीं था। )
More Sentence
- His expression, besides being distinctly pleasant, was full of a respectful admiration.
- And that is the kind of negative piety which is distinctly a characteristic Irish trait.
- It seemed to be distinctly personal, as Joan realized after she had got well into it.
- This was undeniably an American accomplishment; and yet she was distinctly a Frenchwoman.
- I saw the field distinctly in my dream, and the trees thereon, but I saw no person in it.
- Just as I began to wonder at it, I heard him distinctly give a slap to his forehead.
- She heard voices in the dining room, one distinctly male.
- Narrow shoulders, rounded hips and a petite frame were distinctly feminine.
- Her scent was distinctly female: rich, musky honey.
- Trouble is, it was a downbeat and distinctly unpopular film.
- And in a labor dispute, those lines are distinctly drawn.
- Through his words, each of his characters is distinctly realized.
- But this piece also has a distinctly human, watchful presence.
- The common denominator is a distinctly outspoken approach in their lyrics.
- Stray coughs and sneezes could be heard as distinctly as gunshots.
- There was something distinctly 49er about the Packers'offensive pace.
- Someone--it sounded like Speranski--was distinctly ejaculating ha-ha-ha.
- "Awesome tat," a distinctly American male voice said.
- In the skeleton the second and third toes are distinctly more slender than the fourth, showing a tendency towards the character so marked in the following families.
- I distinctly remember you saying that the.
- The ships had distinctly different missions.
- To the cat, Sim was distinctly a non-entity.
- I distinctly heard the key click in the lock.
- No! the voice shouted distinctly to him.
- You shan’t have it! he said distinctly.
- It was heard distinctly by Decoud and Nostromo.
- The ringer said distinctly, You bloody bastard.
- Luka spoke in a loud voice and very distinctly.
- "The island of Madagascar," she said, "Ma-da-gas-car," she repeated, articulating each syllable distinctly, and, not replying to Madame Schoss who asked her what she was saying, she went out of the room.
- Reading each word slowly and distinctly
- He looked distinctly uncomfortable