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distinctively - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of distinctively in Hindi

  • विशिष्ट
  • सविशेष
  • विशिष्‍ट रूप में
  • पृथक्‍कता के साथ
  • पृथक-पृथक
  • अलग-अलग

distinctively Definition


  • in a way that is characteristic of one person or thing and distinguishes it from others.

distinctively Example

  • The Medical School may be considered the only distinctively professional school in the city. ( मेडिकल स्कूल को शहर का एकमात्र विशिष्ट पेशेवर स्कूल माना जा सकता है। )
  • In fact, there were special cases, like that of Synesius, in which a speculative reconstruction of distinctively Christian doctrines by Christian men was winked at. ( वास्तव में, सिनेसियस जैसे विशेष मामले थे, जिसमें ईसाई पुरुषों द्वारा विशिष्ट ईसाई सिद्धांतों का एक सट्टा पुनर्निर्माण किया गया था। )
  • "This is Sam," a distinctively feminine voice replied. ( "यह सैम है," एक विशिष्ट स्त्री आवाज ने उत्तर दिया। )
  • The distinctively freakish moment was disrupted by an all-too-common sound: a cell phone’s ring. ( विशिष्ट रूप से अजीब क्षण एक सर्व-सामान्य ध्वनि द्वारा बाधित किया गया था: एक सेल फोन की अंगूठी। )

More Sentence

  • The radical character of a nation comes out in no other way so distinctively, as in the way it treats its weakest and most helpless subjects.
  • As with libraries and museums, so with these more distinctively artistic works: they perform their greatest when they reach the best of the masses of the people.
  • Even in the unsteady light from Caris’s candles, there was no doubt about the identity of the dead man: the head was fringed with distinctively ash-blond hair.
  • In a national radio address on July 2, Henry Fletcher, chairman of the Republican Party, blasted the president’s New Deal, calling it an undemocratic departure from all that is distinctively American.
  • Brett Steenbarger, trading author and trading psychologist, who has worked with some of the world’s biggest traders, concurs: Every great trader has an outlook and set of methods that are distinctively his own.
  • The conception of the Messiah may be Jewish: at all events it is not distinctively Christian.
  • The suburbs extend along the shores of the bay for more than 10 m., but the part distinctively known as the " city " occupies a site about 3 m.
  • Neotropical and distinctively Sonoran insects mingle with members of the Holoarctic fauna across a wide " transition zone " in North America.
  • The difficulty of real understanding intensifies in proportion as the man is distinctively manly, and the woman womanly.
  • The other Scranton company was perhaps more distinctively peculiar in its personnel than either of the other companies.
  • I should be sorry if I had allowed the higher mathematics to kill out in me the most distinctively womanly faculty.
  • Of the numerous processes described in this work there are two which I must mention as being distinctively and particularly my own.
  • Strictly enforce the rules which Christian prudence lays down for the use of means and attractions not distinctively religious.
  • These are of a distinctively inferior type, are rapidly diminishing in numbers, and seem to many observers incapable of civilization.
  • The city, together with its environs, was converted into a federal district and became solely and distinctively the national capital.
  • He was tall, erect, with a frame denoting great physical strength, and he had distinctively a military bearing.
  • It is significant that the book that clearly is distinctively a Church book is taken up chiefly with a description of that future persecution.
  • As just indicated there are three distinctively mountainous districts, various minor groups lying outside these.
  • Oriente province is distinctively the mineral province of the island.
  • It is popularly used of a relation between persons amounting to more than goodwill or friendship. By ethical writers the word has been used generally of distinct states of feeling, both lasting and spasmodic; some contrast it with "passion" as being free from the distinctively sensual element.
  • Dampier's time was distinctively an intermediate period.
  • Forman is one of the most distinctively romantic writers of to-day.
  • It need not be distinctively religious, only free from vicious associations.
  • His rebuke to Montesquieu is still more distinctively modern.
  • This doctrine of recognition is distinctively an American doctrine.
  • The humorous ghost is not only modern, but he is distinctively American.
  • The usage in Sco. is distinctively Norse and the vowel is the Norse vowel.
  • The modern oriental open waistcoat finds its fellow in the jacket or bolero from ancient Crete, and seems to have been distinctively Aegean.