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dissuade - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dissuade in Hindi

  • विरत करना
  • रोकना
  • मना करना


  • विरत करना
  • विस्र्द्ध सलाह करना
  • न करने के लिए समझाना

dissuade Definition


  • persuade (someone) not to take a particular course of action.

dissuade Example

  • His friends tried to dissuade him from flying ( उसके दोस्तों ने उसे उड़ने से रोकने की कोशिश की )
  • I don't think removing my GPS tracking will dissuade him for long. ( मुझे नहीं लगता कि मेरी जीपीएस ट्रैकिंग को हटाने से वह लंबे समय तक विचलित रहेगा। )
  • But, I thought, if you would come out and talk to him, see if you can dissuade him, it might help. ( लेकिन, मैंने सोचा, अगर आप बाहर आकर उससे बात करेंगे, तो देखें कि क्या आप उसे मना कर सकते हैं, इससे मदद मिल सकती है। )
  • Philip Francis, to whom he had shown the proof-sheets, had tried to dissuade Burke from publishing his performance. ( फिलिप फ़्रांसिस, जिन्हें उन्होंने प्रूफ़-शीट्स दिखाई थीं, ने बर्क को उनके प्रदर्शन को प्रकाशित करने से रोकने की कोशिश की थी। )
  • But to Fred's mind, Cleary was Byrne, and nothing could dissuade him. ( लेकिन फ्रेड के दिमाग में, क्ली बायरन थे, और कुछ भी उन्हें मना नहीं कर सकता था। )

More Sentence

  • Best health and fitness apps to make life easier
  • He used every endeavor possible to dissuade them from entering.
  • I had to have them, so Simmons said he would go back & get them, & I did n't dissuade him.
  • That could easily dissuade an otherwise prospective customer or two: £ 5,000.
  • Protestations were useless and efforts to dissuade him from his purpose of leaving.
  • He spoke with an assumption of carelessness as if expecting her to dissuade him.
  • Efforts were made by the chiefs of the bands to dissuade those who proposed to move.
  • Her cousin was trying to dissuade him from riding out into the storm, but he was going.
  • His companions tried to dissuade him, but as he insisted he was permitted to enter the water.
  • In her gentle way, she sought to dissuade me from the perilous undertaking with the torpedo boat.
  • Some helped, other sought to dissuade him, as he secured the line around his own waist.
  • In the churches the pastors, seeing their flocks leaving, at first attempted to dissuade them.
  • Although there is much to recommend this book, some chapters can be rather turgid, and the high price may well dissuade many.
  • All attempts to dissuade him from this resolution failed before his tenacious will.
  • Memories, Dreams And Dementia: Deepak Chopra And Dr. Gary Small Answer Social Media Questions
  • In Britain, CND has urged the British government to seek to dissuade the United States from military action.
  • Only one color is available with this look, black, but don't let that dissuade you from investigating the look further.
  • It dissuaded any thoughts he had of continuing to play hockey.
  • Still, some said higher rates wouldn't dissuade investors.
  • That has not dissuaded dozens of entrepreneurs from trying their luck.
  • There was no activity to persuade or dissuade Sanders from running,
  • The potential technological pitfalls hardly dissuade Ramadan and crew, though.
  • That doesn't dissuade disciples of big-government conservatism.
  • Nothing we could say would dissuade her of the bat peril.
  • This confession is intended to encourage you, not dissuade you.
  • The character shared a bit of her history with Bella as she tried to dissuade the girl from becoming a vampire.
  • Add a sprig of lavender or a sachet to keep them smelling nice and dissuade bugs from taking up residence.
  • The preliminary costs of purchasing and assembling solar panels may dissuade some people from using solar energy.