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dissolve - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dissolve in Hindi

  • भंग करना


  • घुलना
  • घुलाना
  • गलाना
  • घुला देना
  • पिघलाना
  • समाप्त करना
  • लुप्त होना
  • घोलना
  • विघटन करना
  • विलय करना

dissolve Definition


  • (with reference to a solid) become or cause to become incorporated into a liquid so as to form a solution.
  • close down or dismiss (an assembly or official body)


  • (in a movie) an act or instance of moving gradually from one picture to another.

dissolve Example

  • Dissolve to side view, looking down the street ( सड़क के नीचे देखकर, साइड व्यू में भंग करें )
  • Dissolve a bouillon cube in a pint of hot water ( एक पिंट गर्म पानी में एक शोरबा घन को विसर्जित करें ) 
  • It will not dissolve in water as gums do, but it is soluble in alcohol, as resin usually is. ( यह पानी में नहीं घुलेगा जैसा कि मसूड़े करते हैं, लेकिन यह शराब में घुलनशील है, जैसा कि आमतौर पर राल होता है। )
  • The Sophists were the first in Greece to dissolve knowledge into individual and momentary opinion (Protagoras), or dialectically to deny the possibility of knowledge (Gorgias). ( सोफिस्ट ग्रीस में पहले व्यक्ति थे जिन्होंने ज्ञान को व्यक्तिगत और क्षणिक राय (प्रोटागोरस) में भंग कर दिया, या ज्ञान की संभावना (गोरगियस) को नकारने के लिए द्वंद्वात्मक रूप से। )

More Sentence

  • Some are petitioning the State to dissolve the Union, to disregard the requisitions of the President.
  • It is an excellent solvent for gums, resins, fats, &c.; sulphur, phosphorus and iodine also dissolve in it.
  • Is there anything put together which shall not dissolve?
  • Gladstone immediately advised the queen to dissolve parliament.
  • The Prime Minister is expected to dissolve Parliament, and call an election.
  • For the sulphate of copper solution, take 16.5 parts by weight of pure crystals of copper sulphate (CuSO 4 50H 2) and dissolve in 83.5 parts by weight of water; the resulting solution should have a specific gravity of 1.
  • If heat be added to the mixture ice will melt and salt dissolve in the water so formed.
  • They dissolve in water to form solutions, which do not penetrate parchment membranes, hence the name colloidal.
  • Gradually the bound- Aries of one's being dissolve.
  • It only takes 28 days to dissolve a domestic partnership