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dissident - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dissident in Hindi

  • मतभेद करनेवाला
  • असंतुष्ट
  • असहमत
  • विरोधी
  • मतभेद रखनेवाला


  • मतभेद करनेवाला
  • झगड़नेवाला

dissident Definition


  • a person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state.


  • in opposition to official policy.

dissident Example

  • There is only one explicitly dissident voice to be heard ( केवल एक स्पष्ट रूप से असंतुष्ट आवाज सुनी जानी है )
  • The former soviet dissident was expected to speak of democratic ideals, not disengagement. ( पूर्व सोवियत असंतुष्ट से लोकतांत्रिक आदर्शों की बात करने की अपेक्षा की गई थी, न कि विघटन की। )
  • Meanwhile, on January 25, dissident republican Colm Murphy was jailed for 14 years for conspiracy to commit the bombing. ( इस बीच, 25 जनवरी को, असंतुष्ट रिपब्लिकन कोलम मर्फी को बमबारी करने की साजिश के लिए 14 साल की जेल हुई थी। )
  • The dissident terrorists, who broke away from the IRA after it declared its ceasefire, are believed to have a sizeable arsenal. ( युद्धविराम की घोषणा के बाद आईआरए से अलग होने वाले असंतुष्ट आतंकवादियों के बारे में माना जाता है कि उनके पास एक बड़ा शस्त्रागार है। )

More sentence

  • In some strange, unexpected and unwanted way, the president has again become a dissident, a dissident from his own government.
  • The have regularly portrayed millions of peaceful protesters as a few dissident crackpots in the streets.
  • They said they had received intelligence that I was a Catholic dissident and planned to launch a terror attack on Salverford.
  • Jaitley met Advani for two hours and told him that as the man who had built the modern-day BJP, his newfound image as a dissident was only doing him harm.
  • Prime Minister Peter Stolypin cracked down so hard on dissident groups that ‘Stolypin’s necktie’ became the grim nickname for the hangman’s noose.
  • Those who are skeptical for any reason, or just generally not totally convinced, of the truth of the claims that these tenets make, become a dissident faction within a believing movement.
  • The Pentagon's favorite Iraqi dissident, Ahmed Chalabi, is actually proud of what happened.
  • How do Iranians see the world its foreign policy establishment, its dissident intellectuals, and its ordinary people?
  • One example is a political dissident at Erasparsa who provides step-by-step directions for bypassing the firewall set up by the government of Indonesia.
  • A dissident who had been jailed by a military regime