disruption - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of disruption in Hindi
- दुर्घटना
- दरार
- लोप
- फटन
- टूट-शिकस्त
disruption Definition
- disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity, or process.
- radical change to an existing industry or market due to technological innovation.
disruption Example
- The schedule was planned to minimize disruption ( व्यवधान को कम करने के लिए कार्यक्रम की योजना बनाई गई थी )
- The Disruption left the Church of Scotland in a sadly maimed condition. ( विघटन ने चर्च ऑफ स्कॉटलैंड को एक दुखद अपंग स्थिति में छोड़ दिया। )
- When the disruption came the principles at stake were keenly canvassed in Ellon, and eventually Andrew Davidson, senior, went with the Free Church. ( जब व्यवधान आया, तो दांव पर लगे सिद्धांतों को एलोन में गहन रूप से प्रचारित किया गया, और अंततः एंड्रयू डेविडसन, वरिष्ठ, फ्री चर्च के साथ चले गए। )
- This provision led to many debates, and produced the first symptoms of disruption in the Liberal party. ( इस प्रावधान ने कई बहसों को जन्म दिया, और लिबरल पार्टी में व्यवधान के पहले लक्षण पैदा किए। )
- To his insistence in 1860 that the Democratic party should support his claim to the protection of slavery in the territories by the Federal government, the disruption of that party was in large measure due. ( 1860 में उनके आग्रह पर कि डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी को संघीय सरकार द्वारा क्षेत्रों में दासता के संरक्षण के अपने दावे का समर्थन करना चाहिए, उस पार्टी का विघटन बड़े पैमाने पर होने वाला था। )
More Sentence
- While affirming that he was "no friend of slavery" he held abolition and the abolitionists responsible for the hatred, strife, disruption and carnage that menaced the nation.
- A newborn is a major disruption as well as a major joy in the lives of a family.
- Walker said of groups that might attempt some type of disruption.
- Any disruptions in the Mideast would create an immediate price spike.
- When he sits back down, he shrugs off the disruption.
- The chanting halted immediately, and there were no further disruptions.
- It's difficult to see disruption in a sentence .
- Still as production delays lengthen, export disruptions become more likely.
- Kemp's steady tardiness has been a disruption of sorts.
- We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the disruption of service.
- To be sure, potential disruptions in supply could boost prices.
- One team's disruption is another team's destiny.
- Supply disruption might push prices higher, raising profits of producers.
- The weather has caused serious disruptions to the airline schedule.
- Such disruption could cause cancer, although the issue remains controversial.
- Honduran businessmen, lamenting the economic disruption, echo his complaint.
- This stops any disruption of breathing causing the snoring.
- In the approaching disruption writers saw the punishment for the king's apostasy, and they condemn the sanctuaries in Jerusalem which he erected to the gods of his heathen wives.
- No industry is immune to digital disruption
- He gave hints on what industry today he believes may be ripe for disruption