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disrepute - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of disrepute in Hindi


  • बदनामी
  • अपयश
  • निन्दा
  • अपमान
  • अपकीर्ति
  • कलंक

disrepute Definition


  • the state of being held in low esteem by the public.

disrepute Example

  • one of the top clubs in the country is close to bringing the game into disrepute ( देश के शीर्ष क्लबों में से एक खेल को बदनाम करने के करीब है )
  • She was obliged to accustom herself to disrepute, as she had accustomed herself to indigence. ( वह खुद को बदनाम करने के लिए अभ्यस्त होने के लिए बाध्य थी, क्योंकि वह खुद को अपमानित करने की आदी थी। )
  • The game that seemed for many years to define the concept of fairness and honourable play has slipped into terrible disrepute. ( वह खेल जो कई वर्षों तक निष्पक्षता और सम्मानजनक खेल की अवधारणा को परिभाषित करने के लिए लग रहा था, भयानक बदनामी में फिसल गया है। )
  • He deprecated the course of debate, and the irritation which prevailed in the House, as tending to bring this body into disrepute, &c. ( उन्होंने वाद-विवाद की प्रक्रिया और सदन में व्याप्त झुंझलाहट को इस शरीर को बदनाम करने की प्रवृत्ति के रूप में चित्रित किया, और सी। )

More Sentence

  • The greed and pettiness of those priests and monks had been grating on Nancy for months, apart from bringing popular disrepute to their church for decades now.
  • The disrepute of the pathetic fallacy has come from making the forest sentimental.
  • It was also in disrepute because of its proximity to the old segregated vice area.
  • Their romance had its rise in the manners of chivalry, and fell into disrepute when chivalry declined.
  • In that way can expert evidence escape the disrepute now attaching to it, and the ends of justice be furthered.
  • It was this absence of conscientious motives that brought Melons into disrepute with his aristocratic neighbors.
  • The lottery, which had fallen into great disrepute and had suffered "many foul aspersions," was abolished in compliance with a public sentiment.
  • I am convinced that it is as much indifference as good breeding), but let us never bring our country into disrepute with an English butler!
  • In fact, as events turned out, it looked as though Hindman were decidedly more in disrepute there than was Pike.
  • That winter in Washington had acquainted Clemens with the life there, its political intrigues, and the disrepute of Congress.
  • Ignorant fools they must have been, to have allowed so important, so honourable and dignified an office to become corrupt, and to fall into disrepute among the people.
  • The mistake at present is, that those who study philosophy have no vocation, and this, as I was before saying, is the reason why she has fallen into disrepute: her true sons should take her by the hand and not bastards.
  • You will then have to explain to your police commissioner and to your mayor why they have to spend millions in legal fees, on top of attracting disrepute on your tourist industry, when everything could have been settled quietly to our mutual satisfaction.
  • Sadly, owing to the faux-surrender popularised by pop Christianity, jailhouse conversions and twelve step programs, this vital and necessary growth stage has fallen into disrepute and is widely scorned as the desperate act of the stupid, the frightened and the weak.
  •   Bush procured that sensational win over an Europeanized Kerry in spite of an undeniable and, in my view, shameful machination of the United Nations, which is in disrepute because of scandals such as the oil for food program, and the media that has become, from beginning to end, the misinformation column for the Democrat candidate’s campaign.