displease - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of displease in Hindi
- क्रुद्ध करना
- अप्रसन्न करना
- स्र्ष्ट करना
- नाराज़ करना
displease Definition
- make (someone) feel annoyed or dissatisfied.
displease Example
- I prefer to drop the subject (and it will displease me if you return to it in my hearing). ( मैं विषय को छोड़ना पसंद करता हूं (और यदि आप मेरी सुनवाई में इस पर वापस आते हैं तो यह मुझे नाराज करेगा)। )
- Wayfarer, your looks displease him, and he blows your brains out with a pistol, and goes home. ( राहगीर, तुम्हारा रूप उसे अप्रसन्न करता है, और वह तुम्हारे दिमाग को पिस्तौल से उड़ा देता है, और घर चला जाता है। )
- This did not displease Muskwa, who made his breakfast of the dog-tooth violet bulbs. ( इसने मस्कवा को नाराज नहीं किया, जिन्होंने अपने नाश्ते में डॉग-टूथ वायलेट बल्ब बनाए। )
- The very deformities of London, which give distaste to others, from habit do not displease me. ( लन्दन की जो विकृतियाँ दूसरों को आदत से अरुचि देती हैं, वे मुझे अप्रसन्न नहीं करतीं। )
More Sentence
- Geneva is anxious to do nothing to displease the Holy Alliance to which it owes its independence.
- When I approach you, you have always the air to expect that I will displease you.
- Although I dare not for some weighty reason Displease my Wife, yet I forget not thee.
- These neophytes had the misfortune to displease the emperor on some points which merely respected military duty.
- So much did the inactivity and slothful condition of that state displease his unquenchable and restless spirit.
- His levity seemed to displease and perturb the woman; she turned from him with an impatient movement of her shoulders.
- No one goes with any exaggerated expectations of enjoyment; but as little does he anticipate anything to discompose or displease him.
- If by such offences as these it was easy to displease him, it was no less easy to obtain his forgiveness, for he was as amiable as he was refined.
- Gadai began to wonder if he had done something to displease the ISI director.
- There, let not that displease you which we used to think in our day, when we were young folks.
- If he was honest with himself he would have to admit that such a move would not entirely displease hum.
- He was not sure what she’d done to displease the enraged queen, but he sensed that it was a terrible crime.
- As always, Godwyn was glad to see her but also apprehensive that he might have done something to displease her.
- As a result, many of these single couples were pulling out this sin, as they wanted to obey the Lord and not displease Him.
- Displease: To be vexed, irritated and provoked; it usually expresses less than anger; applied to God, it is the same as anger.
- Clearly, she had not hesitated much before declaring without consulting him in advance an edict that she knew would displease him.
- Garth: I hope it does not displease you that I have always loved her better than any one else, and that I shall never love any one as I love her.
- Albert remarked this, expressing his fears lest, at the outset, the Parisian mode of life should displease the traveller in the most essential point.
- But though she knew it would displease her mother, she had very little idea that she had done the thing of all others most hateful to her.
- Yet such was the case; and it may not displease the reader to have these cognominations duly set forth in order, viz.
- Sicily was forbidden to him by its governor, who, though a personal friend, was unwilling to displease the party in power.
- But the extracts given in newspapers displease me through the ignoble tone of 'doing honour to the lord,' which is anything but religious.