dispelled - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dispelled in Hindi
- दूर हो जाना
- हटाना
- छितराना
- तितर-बितर हो जाना
dispelled Definition
- make (a doubt, feeling, or belief) disappear.
dispelled Example
- A pulse of warmth dispelled the tunnel vision that had begun to form. ( गर्मी की एक नब्ज ने सुरंग की दृष्टि को दूर कर दिया, जो बनने लगी थी। )
- These are dispelled by heat and the flint becomes white and duller in lustre. ( ये गर्मी से दूर हो जाते हैं और चकमक सफेद और चमक में सुस्त हो जाते हैं। )
- What Schopenhauer professed, therefore, is to have dispelled the claims of reason to priority and to demonstrate the relativity and limitation of science. ( इसलिए, शोपेनहावर ने जो दावा किया, वह प्राथमिकता के कारण के दावों को दूर करना और विज्ञान की सापेक्षता और सीमा को प्रदर्शित करना है। )
- Any thoughts of a two-goal half-time cushion were immediately dispelled. ( दो-गोल आधे समय के कुशन के किसी भी विचार को तुरंत दूर कर दिया गया। )
More sentence
- I was also quaking at the knees a little due to lack of culinary prowess, but all fears were dispelled on arrival.
- Presently a ray of inspiration dispelled the cloud from the features of the battered man.
- Chemistry was not at hand to answer me, and all her wisdom would not have dispelled the wonder.
- All his vanity of the morning was dispelled by the tragedy taking place next door.
- My belief that these chaps would fight was dispelled by their conduct last night.
- There was in his eyes the happy look that dispelled every trace of the usual shadow on his face.
- The document was received with universal applause, and Sarpi was immediately made canonist and theological counsellor to the republic. When in the following April the last hopes of accommodation were dispelled by Paul's excommunication of the Venetians and his attempt to lay their dominions under an interdict, Sarpi entered with the utmost energy into the controversy.
- The clouds of moral disapproval of infection were dispelled.
- Little, however, was done in the science of botany, properly so called, until the 16th century of the Christian era, when the revival of learning dispelled the darkness which had long hung over Europe.
- It dispelled anxiety, if it did no more.
- He dispelled her alarm by passing slowly on.
- The mere sight of her dispelled the clouds.
- The sun had dispelled the mists and was beaming very hot.
- At last the dawn dispelled the shades of night.
- He dispelled the water quickly and reported on his Caller.
- As usual the sight of Joan dispelled his gloom.
- But it was quickly dispelled by Wan Lee.
- Her caution dispelled the suspicions of Running Fox.
- In the poems, Mark is, as a rule, represented in a favourable light, a gentle, kindly man, deeply attached to both Tristan and Iseult, and only too ready to allow his suspicions to be dispelled by any plausible explanation they may choose to offer.