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disparities - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of disparities in Hindi

  • असमानताओं

disparities Definition


  • a great difference.

disparities Example

  • Feeding factors such as breastfeeding can also cause sizing disparities that often lead to a breastfed three-month-old infant weighing substantially less than a similarly aged infant who is fed formula. ( स्तनपान जैसे दूध पिलाने वाले कारक भी आकार की असमानताओं का कारण बन सकते हैं, जो अक्सर स्तनपान करने वाले तीन महीने के शिशु का वजन समान आयु वाले शिशु की तुलना में काफी कम होता है, जिसे फार्मूला खिलाया जाता है। )
  • Among children, the disparities are dramatic, with African-American and Hispanic children representing more than 80 percent of pediatric AIDS cases in 2000. ( बच्चों में, असमानताएं नाटकीय हैं, अफ्रीकी-अमेरिकी और हिस्पैनिक बच्चे 2000 में बाल चिकित्सा एड्स के 80 प्रतिशत से अधिक मामलों का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं। )
  • Although significant progress has been made in improving childhood immunization rates, some disparities in overall immunization coverage rates among racial and ethnic groups continue. ( यद्यपि बचपन की टीकाकरण दरों में सुधार करने में महत्वपूर्ण प्रगति हुई है, नस्लीय और जातीय समूहों के बीच समग्र टीकाकरण कवरेज दरों में कुछ असमानताएं जारी हैं। )
  • "Eliminating Minority Health Disparities." ( "अल्पसंख्यक स्वास्थ्य असमानताओं को खत्म करना।" )

More Sentence

  • The test's strong emphasis on memory and lesser attention to verbal expression are intended to offset cultural disparities between black and white children.
  • Vast disparities in such areas can create large complications, so it is always best to discuss your core values during the earlier part of your relationship, provided that the timing is appropriate.
  • Egg-free, rice-flour free, no white sugar, and all sorts of modifications now mark the disparities between gluten-free recipes.
  • In and of themselves, statistical disparities do not prove discrimination.
  • Never has the disparity between rhetoric and reality been more glaring.
  • The reasons for the disparity between Pataki and Cuomo were unclear.
  • The economic boom has aleady produced disparities unthinkable 10 years ago.
  • Green suggested that the disparities reflected an inequality in city services.
  • That may not be surprising, given the disparity in manpower.
  • Commerce Department spokesman Don Harris said when asked about the disparities.
  • But the president cautioned that officialdom alone cannot address the disparities.
  • It is shameful to maintain a disparity with no rational basis.
  • Today, fewer babies are dying but the racial disparity remains.
  • It's difficult to see disparities in a sentence .
  • Rubin said in a speech to a forum on income disparity.
  • Blacks responded with fresh statistics showing huge racial disparities in wealth.
  • _Peacocks Coach Rodger Blind was hot about the foul disparity.
  • The disparity is intended to encourage investments that promote economic growth.
  • You can expect to see these glaring disparities crop up in the following areas.
  • How conciliate the passions, the conflicting interests, the incompatible characters, in short, the innumerable disparities which engender so much discord?