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disparate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of disparate in Hindi

  • मुक़्तलिफ़


  • असमान
  • भिन्न
  • विषम
  • असंबद्ध
  • असदृश

disparate Definition


  • essentially different in kind; not allowing comparison.


  • things so unlike that there is no basis for comparison.

disparate Example

  • They inhabit disparate worlds of thought ( वे विचार की अलग दुनिया में रहते हैं )
  • But both he and Gibson made the fatal error of trying to combine the disparate materials contained in the various chronicles in a single text. ( लेकिन उन्होंने और गिब्सन दोनों ने एक ही पाठ में विभिन्न इतिहासों में निहित असमान सामग्रियों को संयोजित करने का प्रयास करने की घातक त्रुटि की। )
  • Avoid disparate, cluttered elements on your walls. ( अपनी दीवारों पर असमान, अव्यवस्थित तत्वों से बचें। )
  • Though not a zealot of any description, she brought disparate elements of the electronic community into a surprising and fruitful collusion. ( हालांकि वे किसी भी तरह के उत्साही नहीं थे, लेकिन उन्होंने इलेक्ट्रॉनिक समुदाय के अलग-अलग तत्वों को एक आश्चर्यजनक और उपयोगी मिलीभगत में ला दिया। )

More Sentence

  • Lacking, however, is a general framework, a perception of common interest in apparently disparate situations.
  • Thus, the life of man regarded as a whole is, in its last essence, a combination of utterly disparate elements.
  • Union between the two spheres, which seem at first sight disparate, is found in the necessary postulate that reason shall be realized, for its realization is only possible in the sphere of sense.
  • The elements of this disparate pair, calculated by Dr Vogel on the somewhat precarious assumption that its dark and bright members are of equal mean density, are as follows: Diameter of Algol.
  • The gallery attempts to weld a number of seemingly disparate themes together to make us think about our place in the universe.
  • Zafar became the titular leader of the disparate and volatile forces, but his efforts at uniting them were ultimately futile.
  • And it perfectly illustrates the disparate directions of these two teams.
  • Despite disparate paychecks, they have similar money attitudes and habits.
  • What kind of vision emerged from all these disparate urban revisions?
  • All have disparate interests, and all fiercely value their autonomy.
  • The Karps'marriage in 1963 brought together their disparate possessions.
  • They came to me with a hope chest of disparate ideas,
  • The song is an attempt to draw these disparate communities together.
  • It sounded like three disparate tapes or CDs being played simultaneously.
  • The odd kinship between disparate characters seems to suggest a strategy.
  • It's difficult to see disparate in a sentence
  • The transmissibility of the sacred ensures the fusion of powers drawn from all sources, however disparate.
  • There is a disparate bunch of songs on my hard drive that defy classification.
  • These parallels in mood and imagery reinforce the view of a thematic coherence linking genres as disparate as the tournament and the musical drama.
  • A culturally disparate country