disorientation - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of disorientation in Hindi
disorientation Definition
- the condition of having lost one's sense of direction.
disorientation Example
- The hospital environment can bring anxiety and disorientation to patients ( अस्पताल का माहौल मरीजों को चिंता और भटकाव ला सकता है )
- This ensures an extremely rapid recovery, with minimal disorientation. ( यह न्यूनतम भटकाव के साथ एक अत्यंत तेजी से वसूली सुनिश्चित करता है। )
- Symptoms include fatigue, disorientation, numb hands and feet, shortness of breath, and stomach problems. ( लक्षणों में थकान, भटकाव, सुन्न हाथ और पैर, सांस की तकलीफ और पेट की समस्याएं शामिल हैं। )
- A wave of disorientation hit him, much stronger than before, and he toppled forward. ( भटकाव की एक लहर ने उसे मारा, पहले की तुलना में बहुत मजबूत, और वह आगे गिर गया। )
More Sentence
- The disorientation continues through four inversions that take terror to new heights.
- They had jumped into crowded pools of sharks and the disorientation of.
- The disorientation and the need to fight for air frightened her greatly.
- Only minutes perhaps, yet still long enough to create the disorientation.
- I’ve felt that same disorientation on this drive, multiplied exponentially.
- For those who are lazy, this change causes fear and disorientation, but for the.
- Only her heads up display made it possible to avoid total spatial disorientation.
- For a moment Cerian felt a brief sense of disorientation and then she opened her eyes.
- Total confusion, disorientation and incomprehension detonated simultaneously in his head.
- Then a slight disorientation: he expected to see the moonscape below where he remembered.
- The study, completed in 1996 (2), highlighted such side effects as simulator sickness, disorientation and physical discomfort.
- Pearl 's father embodies the bitterness and disorientation that gripped Southern slaveholders forced to come to grips with Sherman 's powerful onslaught.
- After more disorientation, he turned to Rhonda and asked, "What am I doing here? Where are you taking me?" She ignored his questions in apathetic fashion, determined to assist him in some capacity.
- Take Note: the day after the incantation & ritual has been completed, the main-participant will at first have a feeling of complete loss & disorientation and will find it difficult to fit into old routines.
- After a first reaction of profound disorientation, Ulysses comes to realize that the pain caused by envy must be experienced fully, in silence and with full responsibility for the part that regards only himself.
- The photos showed beatings, death threats, threats with guard dogs, sexual humiliation, prolonged stress positions, sensory deprivation, sleep deprivation, smearing prisoners with feces and urine, simulated drowning, and disorientation using loud sounds.
- He pulled the trigger and I grabbed the Stargazer, trying to pull her down to the ground, hoping to save her from suffering the horrible pain and disorientation, but she lunged forward after the man with lightning fast speed; she grabbed his gun, crumpled it in her hand as if it were a ball of paper, and then slammed both her hands into his chest, sending him flying back across the room, and through the wall.
- In white-out conditions, there is a danger of target fixation leading to disorientation.
- The study, completed in 1996 (2 ), highlighted such side effects as simulator sickness, disorientation and physical discomfort.
- Pearl's father embodies the bitterness and disorientation that gripped southern slaveholders forced to come to grips with Sherman's powerful onslaught.
- As we walked on into the night, an air of total disorientation descended