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dismount - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dismount in Hindi

  • उतरना
  • नीचे आना
  • धोड़े पर से उतरना
  • बैठकी से उतरना
  • (घोड़े की पीठ आदि से) उतरना या उतारना
  • घोड़े से गिरा देना
  • घोड़े से करना
  • (किसी वस्‍तु को) उसके स्‍थान से हटाना (विशेष तोप को तोपगाड़ी से उतारना)
  • अश्‍वावरोहण

dismount Definition


  • get off a horse, bicycle, or anything that one is riding.
  • remove (something) from its support.


  • a move in which a gymnast jumps off an apparatus or completes a floor exercise.

dismount Example

  • You should dismount, he said. ( आपको उतरना चाहिए, उन्होंने कहा। )
  • He leaned forward as he helped her dismount at the barn, rain rolling off the brim of his hat in a stream. ( वह आगे झुक गया क्योंकि उसने उसे खलिहान में उतरने में मदद की, बारिश उसकी टोपी के किनारे से एक धारा में लुढ़क गई। )
  • After the works were silenced, the ships moved in closer, with a view to dismount the Egyptian guns. ( काम बंद होने के बाद, जहाज मिस्र के तोपों को उतारने की दृष्टि से करीब आ गए। )
  • They stopped before Salisbury Cathedral and dismounted. ( वे सैलिसबरी कैथेड्रल के सामने रुक गए और उतर गए। )

More Sentence

  • Ashley dismounted and I started a fire in the fire pit.
  • Travis dismounted and held the old historian's shoulder.
  • Richard dismounted to check the alignment of the wheels.
  • Everyone dismounted and left their horses in the street.
  • Alan caught Griff then dismounted, holding both horses.
  • They followed him on their mounts then dismounted when.
  • They both dismounted and stood before the cheering folk.
  • We also dismounted and waited in front of the building.
  • When he saw Strider, he dismounted and ran to meet him.
  • Marburg dismounted slowly and when off the horse, stood.
  • Both stopped and Chin Lee dismounted, all in one smooth.
  • Caymus and Tyburn dismounted and searched the immediate.
  • Further on they had a scuffle with certain " Arabians "; and at last, after successfully accomplishing the passage of the " rough and stony " road that led to Jerusalem, they were obliged to dismount before the gate of the city till they should receive license from the governor to enter.
  • They must also help the flyers dismount and return to the ground safely.
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  • Nicholas and his attendant, with "Uncle" and his huntsman, were all riding round the wolf, crying "ulyulyu!" shouting and preparing to dismount each moment that the wolf crouched back, and starting forward again every time she shook herself and moved toward the wood where she would be safe.
  • In places he was forced to dismount because of drainage culverts running under the tracks.
  • Badshah sank to his knees to allow his passengers to dismount and relieve him of his pad.
  • Quickly the order was given to dismount and send the horses back in charge of every fourth man.
  • Here he came to a short, steep slide that compelled him to dismount and continue on foot.
  • Ted heard the men dismount and enter the cabin, and then their voices roaring with rage.
  • I did so, and entreated him to let us dismount and walk till we had cleared this dangerous way.
  • Hand on hip he sat, and watched his merry figments dismount and lead away their horses.
  • Henry and the shiftless one saw Alvarez and his company dismount and enter the house.
  • It is always safer to dismount when crossing a Montenegrin bridge, off the main roads.
  • Not in Java, where a native of position must dismount to salute the humblest Dutchman.
  • The fleet prepared for action, and the bearer of the reply, signed by the president of the council, and offering to dismount three guns in the batteries named, only succeeded in finding the flagship late at night.
  • Its first period had passed: when the partisans themselves, amazed at their own boldness, feared every minute to be surrounded and captured by the French, and hid in the forests without unsaddling, hardly daring to dismount and always expecting to be pursued.
  • With his hand on his saddlebow, he was ready to dismount and stab the wolf, when she suddenly thrust her head up from among that mass of dogs, and then her forepaws were on the edge of the gully.