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disgrace - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of disgrace in Hindi

  • अपमान
  • निरादर
  • बेक़द्री
  • लज्जा का कारण
  • कलंक का कारण
  • कुरूपता
  • बदनामी
  • लांछित करना
  • अपयश


  • निरादर करना
  • कलंकित करना
  • बदनाम करना
  • लज्जित करना

disgrace Definition


  • loss of reputation or respect as the result of a dishonorable action.


  • bring shame or discredit on (someone or something).

disgrace Example

  • He's a disgrace to the legal profession ( वह कानूनी पेशे के लिए एक अपमान है )
  • He left the army in disgrace ( उसने शर्म से सेना छोड़ दी )
  • The error brought him into fresh disgrace lasting till his death. ( त्रुटि ने उसे अपनी मृत्यु तक ताजा अपमान में ला दिया। )
  • As captain Lincoln was twice in disgrace, once for firing a pistol near camp and again because nearly his entire company was intoxicated.. ( कप्तान के रूप में लिंकन दो बार बदनाम हुए, एक बार शिविर के पास पिस्तौल तानने के लिए और फिर क्योंकि उनकी लगभग पूरी कंपनी नशे में थी। )
  • He retired in disgrace, but hoped to serve the royalist cause by securing his election to the Council of Five Hundred in May 1797. ( वह अपमान में सेवानिवृत्त हुए, लेकिन मई 1797 में पांच सौ परिषद के लिए अपना चुनाव हासिल करके शाही कारणों की सेवा करने की उम्मीद की। )

More Sentence

  • Her first thought was that she never would recover from the disgrace of this episode.
  • To send their sister to her grave without plumes would disgrace them before their neighbours.
  • She said night-school was only for very poor people, and it was a sort of disgrace to go.
  • Catnip dens are an utter disgrace to the cat world.
  • Godwyn thought the prior’ s house was a disgrace.
  • D’ata dared disgrace his mother’s good name!.
  • He wouldn’t dream of missing out on my disgrace.
  • But where's the disgrace if for bread he has toiled.
  • But it was no disgrace to your friend to have been.
  • The report made the Carrot-Tops look like a disgrace.
  • Becoming an Old Maid was considered a disgrace.
  • I beseech you, save me from the anger of my relatives, and the disgrace of exposure.
  • This was the only thing wanting to the degradation and disgrace of the Germanic body.
  • Aunt Ella started things off by telling me what a disgrace it is for me to work in these pictures.
  • I do not propose to disgrace my word of honour by playing it off against the German Chancellor.
  • Here was a waist whose trim outlines would have done no disgrace to a well-set-up English girl.
  • On the death of the childless tsar, he was the popular candidate for the vacant throne; but he acquiesced in the election of Boris Godunov, and shared the disgrace of his too-powerful family three years later, when Boris compelled both him and his wife, Xenia Chestovaya, to take monastic vows under the names of Philaret and Martha respectively.
  • He was soon after received at the French Academy; and, to the disgrace of the French clergy, he was named president of their assembly.
  • I believed that the hour of my disgrace was come, and that in another moment I should go out of that place disgraced.
  • Their habitation is the blackness of darkness; a place of the utmost filthiness, abomination, darkness, disgrace and torment.
  • I do not doubt that Dan Anderson at that moment was a disgrace to his profession, though later he honored it.
  • But Lucius was gone; and Augustus remained to disgrace the family and annoy his relations more than ever.
  • I haven't done anything to disgrace myself; but I wish to get gradely out of the reach of such chaps as yon fellow you've just spoke to.
  • There on the 4th of May 1794 he married Mlle Catherine Boyer, though he was a minor and had not the consent of his family - an act which brought him into a state almost approaching disgrace and penury.
  • Thus abandoned, and in disgrace at court, the duchess betook herself to religion.
  • Under Henry II., being involved in the disgrace of all the servants of Francis I., he was sent to Rome (1547), and he obtained eight votes in the conclave which followed the death of Pope Paul III.
  • The liberators of Rome thereupon proceeded to plunder the city in a way which brought shame on their cause and disgrace (perhaps not wholly deserved) on the general left in command, Massna.
  • If he'd gone back it would have brought disgrace on the family
  • John stiffened his jaw so he wouldn't disgrace himself by crying