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disengage - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of disengage in Hindi

  • छुड़ाना
  • संपर्क तोड़ना
  • बचना 
  • विघटन 
  • अलगाना
  • अलग करना
  • विच्छेदन 
  • वियुक्त करना
  • पृथक करना
  • संबंध तोड़ना

disengage Definition

  • separate or release (someone or something) from something to which they are attached or connected.
  • pass the point of one's sword over or under the opponent's sword to change the line of attack.

disengage Example

  • The government decided in 1959 to disengage from Africa as rapidly as possible after the next general election. ( सरकार ने 1959 में अगले आम चुनाव के बाद अफ्रीका से उतनी ही तेजी से विघटन करने का फैसला किया। )
  • Once a red flare is launched then we must disengage from battle. ( एक बार जब लाल रंग की चमक शुरू हो जाती है तो हमें युद्ध से बचना चाहिए। )
  • In order to do a precise disengage , you need a precise parry. ( सटीक विच्छेदन करने के लिए, आपको एक सटीक पैरी की आवश्यकता है। )
  • Similarly, if the bearing is faulty or distorted, the sound of metal rubbing against metal within the bearing every time you engage or disengage the clutch could cause a squeal. ( इसी तरह, यदि असर दोषपूर्ण या विकृत है, तो हर बार जब आप संलग्न करते हैं या क्लच को बंद करते हैं, तो असर के भीतर धातु के खिलाफ धातु रगड़ने की आवाज़ एक व्यंग्य का कारण बन सकती है। )
  • If your lunge causes your opponent to react more than he is comfortable with, you will have the freedom to disengage anytime.  ( यदि आपका लुनज आपके प्रतिद्वंद्वी को प्रतिक्रिया देने का कारण बनता है, तो वह इससे अधिक आरामदायक है, आपको कभी भी विघटन करने की स्वतंत्रता होगी। )
  • The three-state solution would permit the United States to disengage from security duties in most of the country. ( तीन-राज्य समाधान संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका को देश के अधिकांश हिस्सों में सुरक्षा कर्तव्यों से अलग होने की अनुमति देगा। )

More Sentence

  • Most of all, we must seek to disengage from Iraq - an occupation for which no justification now exists.
  • his true intent is to disengage from the messy conflict
  • At no time during the campaign did the candidate discuss in an honest way the single most important issue facing the country: how to disengage from the war.
  • So perhaps now is not the time to disengage from North Asia, although pulling the US troops away is long overdue.
  • The administration has made no secret of its desire to disengage from the Balkans, although it has promised not to make any dramatic troop reductions without consulting with its allies.
  • He has won domestic support for his plan to disengage from Gaza and the northern West Bank, but an overly ambitious focus would be equally damaging for him.
  • plans were already afoot for the Americans to disengage from the city
  • the ceasefire gave the commanders a chance to disengage their forces
  • the clutch will not disengage
  • I disengage it, frown at the watermarks, put it back in to finish drying, glare at the man whose print lay on top of mine.
  • He said his division could not disengage from the country, redeploy, and retrain and refit within the time constraints specified in the war plans his division was apportioned against.
  • Additionally, units may be forced to fight when attempting to disengage from the enemy, and only the largest or most mobile forces can do so with impunity.
  • If the range has an upper oven and fan, disengage the duct connection first.
  • The position is slightly tricky to get into: Both scoutwalkers need to disengage their leg stirrups.
  • All ships, disengage from enemy forces and rendezvous according to plan three.
  • Prior to that, the President had done his utmost to disengage from the Israel-Palestine arena, in part so as not to become as heavily involved in the region as his predecessor had been.
  • The extra long qullions are specifically designed to protect the sword hand and arm, as well as making it more difficult for the adversary to disengage .
  • For peace forces to disengage from coalitions that do not yet have the perfect answers would be both wrong and tragic.
  • He reported, ‘Plans were already afoot for the Americans to disengage from the city.’
  • Shift into reverse, disengage the handbrake, release the pressure on the clutch.
  • The name of the attack is derived solely from the blade motion - for example: disengage , one-two, and so on.
  • Often, the driver forgets to disengage the flasher after it has served its purpose, resulting in further confusion since turning indicators are rendered useless.
  • A government statement that troops will disengage from the country by the end of the year has been derided as a political stunt.
  • With drive disengaged , the vehicle shot down the slope much too fast and - thrown off balance by the suddenly shifting weight of logs in the back - tipped over.