discussion - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of discussion in Hindi
- विचार-विमर्श
- चर्चा
- बातचीत
- विवाद
- बहस
- विचार
- शास्रार्थ
- बहस-मुबाहिसा
- विचार-विमर्श
- सलाह-मशविरा
- वाद-विवाद
discussion Definition
- the action or process of talking about something in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas.
discussion Example
- The proposals are not a blueprint but ideas for discussion ( प्रस्ताव एक खाका नहीं बल्कि चर्चा के लिए विचार हैं )
- Once decided, there would be no discussion or argument. ( एक बार निर्णय लेने के बाद, कोई चर्चा या तर्क नहीं होगा। )
- This is the first time we've had an honest discussion in about a million years. ( यह पहली बार है जब हमने लगभग दस लाख वर्षों में एक ईमानदार चर्चा की है। )
More Sentence
- "He left that part out of our discussion," she said, startled.
- They had decided that their discussion that night would stay between the three of them for a while.
- The last will require some discussion with Damian.
- The sounds of heated discussion made her look toward the river.
- There was the usual amount of discussion as to a name for me.
- The qualitative nature of the discussion in the text does not depend on having only one person.
- They were overdue for a discussion, one she'd been unwilling to start but that he would see through.
- We replaced one of the scheduled formal discussions with two parallel informal discussions in the day room to explore the impact of context.
- We don't know, but for the sake of discussion, let's say it's the night the money turned up missing.
- The discussion recommenced, but pauses frequently occurred and they all felt that there was no more to be said.
- See Appendix One, for a more detailed discussion
- The specific content of the legislation was under discussion