
discourage - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of discourage in Hindi

  • हतोत्साहित करना


  • जी छोटा करना
  • हिम्मत तोड़ना
  • निस्र्त्साह कर देना
  • हतोत्साह करना
  • निरुत्साहित करना

discourage Definition


  • cause (someone) to lose confidence or enthusiasm.

discourage Example

  • I don't want to discourage you, but I don't think it's such a good idea ( मैं आपको हतोत्साहित नहीं करना चाहता, लेकिन मुझे नहीं लगता कि यह इतना अच्छा विचार है )
  • "I just need to discourage them both from coming," he said. ( "मुझे बस उन दोनों को आने से हतोत्साहित करने की ज़रूरत है," उन्होंने कहा। )
  • He had only said that because he was trying to discourage her from prying into his business. ( उसने सिर्फ इसलिए कहा था क्योंकि वह उसे अपने व्यवसाय में घुसने से हतोत्साहित करने की कोशिश कर रहा था। )
  • Others say poor nations need to develop free markets in agriculture and strongly discourage government intervention. ( दूसरों का कहना है कि गरीब देशों को कृषि में मुक्त बाजार विकसित करने और सरकारी हस्तक्षेप को दृढ़ता से हतोत्साहित करने की जरूरत है। )

More Sentence

  • Friends tried to discourage this tendency, fearing lest it would lead to disappointment.
  • The strangest fact of all was that it did not lessen his popularity or discourage his troops.
  • They inhabit regions where conditions discourage all but a few of the broad-leaved trees.
  • The failure of the men does not dishearten or discourage the women who have taken up the work.
  • These remarks were widely published and did much to discourage the pro-slavery agitators.
  • Even this did not discourage the crowd, which stood about in its sodden clothes waiting.
  • It is necessary, then, to manage it very nicely, so as not to discourage him at first.
  • Such a tax would not discourage thrift or prevent a person from getting a reasonable return on his savings.
  • Though kind to his students, he refused to remit their fees, as this, he thought, would discourage independence.
  • However, don't let the results discourage you.
  • One pop will be enough to discourage a return visit.
  • The goal should be to help your child, not discourage them from coming to you with their concerns.
  • However, don't let this fact discourage you.
  • However, she realized that Penny needed activity to keep her from brooding, so she wisely did not discourage her.
  • Speakers who wished to discourage the exodus reported "exact" figures on the death rate of the migrants in the North that were astounding.
  • With no traffic to interfere, the Gloria ought to fly over the distance in four hours; and what if everyone did try to discourage us?
  • M. de Lescure had long expected its destruction, but had not chosen to remove the furniture, lest he should discourage the peasants.
  • The vicissitudes which befall the production of the northern hickories are often so great as to discourage nurserymen who otherwise would grow them.
  • An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much.
  • And Sir S. proceeded to give the cousin a refrigerator glance; but it didn't discourage him.
  • If you're primary goal is to discourage prowlers, consider installing floodlights.
  • we want to discourage children from smoking
  • the plan is designed to discourage the use of private cars