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dis- - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dis- in Hindi

  • डिस
  • चक्रिका
  • विम्बं
  • चक्र

dis- Definition


  • speak disrespectfully to or criticize.


  • disrespectful talk.

dis- Example

  • His dis again In- pleasure fell mainly on the archbishop and the earl vades of Norfolk, who had so long led the opposition. ( उनकी नाराजगी फिर से मुख्य रूप से आर्कबिशप और नॉरफ़ॉक के अर्ल वेड्स पर पड़ी, जिन्होंने इतने लंबे समय तक विपक्ष का नेतृत्व किया था। )  
  • Dis. ( डिस्. )
  • - Sensory to that of the Anthozoa, but this has been dis cells from the retina proved by the most recent investigations of o f Char y b d a e a, Hein (4) and Friedemann (3), who have shown highly magnified. ( - एंथोजोआ के प्रति संवेदी, लेकिन यह रेटिना से डिस सेल हैं, जो कि एफ चार वाई बी डी ए ई ए, हेन (4) और फ्रीडेमैन (3) की सबसे हालिया जांच से साबित हुआ है, जिन्होंने अत्यधिक आवर्धित दिखाया है। )
  • Matthew tried to dis Maria by bringing up her lack of friends, but she didn’t really care. ( मैथ्यू ने मारिया को उसके दोस्तों की कमी लाकर उसे दूर करने की कोशिश की, लेकिन उसने वास्तव में परवाह नहीं की। )

More Sentence

  • The two boys tried to dis each other with words, but their insults ultimately led to a fight.  
  • This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Dig to Dis.
  • I flew back early, i cud not believe dat my parents were dead dis was 3 weeks ago.
  • dis chuffed with them Really?
  • I just don't want dis ' whole ' ting to go south, y'know?
  • Before the meal, Stallman makes an interesting dis-.
  • He is also the final verdict that resolves all dis-.
  • Luke would have to shoot his herd as part of the dis-.
  • The end justified the means; he was not ready to dis-.
  • The first succeeded in capturing two rings but was dis-.
  • The leaders of the other traditions wil gradual y dis-.
  • Functioning thing a phenomenon that is produced and dis-.
  • " Je ne veux pas dire pour cela que les animaux qui existent forment une serie tres-simple et partout egalement nuancee; mais je dis qu'ils forment une serie rameuse, irregulierement graduee et qui n'a point de discontinuite dans ses parties, ou qui, du moms, n'en a toujours pas eu, s'il est vrai que, par suite de quelques especes perdues, it s'en trouve quelque part.
  • But the trade over berg largely developed on the dis covery of the Kimberley diamond mines, and the progress of the country was greatly promoted by the substitution of the railway for the ox wagon as a means of transport.
  • Arjun-to lend credence to this assertion? Vivaswat was born in the dis-.
  • The basest kind of gifts are, however, those that are offered with dis-.
  • Thus, it becomes apparent that the senior bureaucrats of the DoT were not allowed to dis-.
  • Devi had turned a delapidated old building into something modern, all with holographic dis-.
  • On the contrary, she seemed continually priding herself on her luckless lover's action as though it were the loftiest heroism, though she tried to avoid all dis-.
  • 7 the question of dis tortion arises if only parts of the object can be recognized in the figure.
  • There are lots of best dfw Loans and on line calculate a finance loans top specifics, each has edges and dis advantages.
  • Hope u enjoyed it Can i jus say dat ive dun dis 4 half a year!
  • I opened in and saw dis fella dat looked like a Jedi.