dirt - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dirt in Hindi
- गंदगी
- मिट्टी
- धूल
- कीचड़
- मैल
- कचरा
- गर्द
- छिया
- गंदापन
- मल
- मैली चीज़
- पृथ्वी
- बदमाशी
dirt Definition
- a substance, such as mud or dust, that soils someone or something.
dirt Example
- Is there any dirt on Desmond? ( क्या डेसमंड पर कोई गंदगी है? )
- A dirt road ( एक गंदगी सड़क )
- His face was covered in dirt ( उसका चेहरा गंदगी से ढका हुआ था )
- Pittsburgh used to be renowned for the sweat and dirt of industry ( पिट्सबर्ग उद्योग के पसीने और गंदगी के लिए प्रसिद्ध हुआ करता था )
- The dirt hit his body with a hollow thud. ( गंदगी उसके शरीर पर खोखले ठूंठ से लगी। )
- She was covered with dirt – the remains of mud pies I had compelled her to eat, although she had never shown any special liking for them. ( वह गंदगी से ढँकी हुई थी - मिट्टी के टुकड़ों के अवशेष मैंने उसे खाने के लिए मजबूर किया था, हालाँकि उसने कभी उनके लिए कोई विशेष पसंद नहीं दिखाया था। )
More Sentence
- I knew he had struck pay dirt.
- He saw the spades toss up dirt.
- The cloth left streaks of dirt.
- The kitty had dirt on his paws.
- Part of the physical dirt and.
- But in the dirt, you see?
- Justine had been under the dirt.
- We push ourselves into the dirt.
- She reached out and brushed dirt from his shoulder without commenting.
- I kicked dirt over the spot.
- Ahead was nothing but a narrow dirt road lined with mature Oak trees and brush.
- Multiple dirt deer trails moved away.
- The head hair is usually matted with grease and dirt, but when clean is fine and glossy.
- That was the first time Arcangues ran on a dirt track.
- There were nests of wasps and dirt daubers to knock down.
- Is he the best catcher at blocking balls in the dirt?
- The ground belched, shook and spewed dirt to the sky.
- He might be better on the dirt than on the grass,
- Uwizeyimana said as a tear streaked the dirt on her cheek.
- They were barefoot, in rags, and covered with dirt.
- Scores of children wander about in the dirt without any parents.
- Now he remembered Denisov with his changed expression, his submission, and the whole hospital, with arms and legs torn off and its dirt and disease.
- She covered her head as dirt and debris rained over her.
- He opened his eyes to find them off a dirt road in the high desert somewhere.
- She treats him like dirt
- The soldier sagged to the dirt
- A lawn covered in dog dirt