dipping - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dipping in Hindi
dipping Definition
- to put something into liquid and immediately take it out again
- to go down or make something go down to a lower level
dipping Example
- After dipping below the London Clay at Canterbury, it sends out an outcrop which forms the greater part of Thanet. ( कैंटरबरी में लंदन क्ले के नीचे डुबकी लगाने के बाद, यह एक आउटक्रॉप भेजता है जो थानेट का बड़ा हिस्सा बनाता है। )
- Winter was dipping its toe in the water. ( सर्दी अपने पैर के अंगूठे को पानी में डुबो रही थी। )
- garlic mayonnaise for dipping or as part of a salad. ( सूई के लिए या सलाद के हिस्से के रूप में लहसुन मेयोनेज़। )
- Within the northern circle of the 8 lie the Mesozoic and Tertiary beds of the Paris basin, dipping inwards; within the southern circle lie the ancient rocks of the Central Plateau, from which the later beds dip outwards. ( 8 के उत्तरी घेरे के भीतर पेरिस बेसिन के मेसोज़ोइक और तृतीयक बेड हैं, जो अंदर की ओर डूबे हुए हैं; दक्षिणी वृत्त के भीतर मध्य पठार की प्राचीन चट्टानें हैं, जिनसे बाद के तल बाहर की ओर झुकते हैं। )
More Sentence
- Both Bell and Gray proposed to do this by introducing a column of liquid into the circuit, the length or the resistance of which could be varied by causing the vibrations of the diaphragm to vary the depth of immersion of a light rod fixed to it and dipping into the liquid.
- It is compulsory on owners to notify the authorities as to the existence of scab amongst their sheep. By the Diseases of Animals Act (1903) powers to prescribe the dipping of sheep, irrespective of the presence or otherwise of sheep scab, were conferred upon the Board of Agriculture.
- The brown pelican is seen in great numbers sailing lazily over the water and dipping for fish.
- He dropped on his knees beside her, dipping a clean handkerchief in the jar of cold cream.
- A great deal of tin is made into tin plate by dipping thin steel sheets into the melted metal.
- He looked up, to see the maid dipping up water with her hollowed hands, and waved her back.
- He took a fresh rod from the rack, and, dipping it in the solution, handed it to me.
- The other boat will soon be along, and Smith will be for dipping his spoon into my dish.
- He was dipping this into the water and throwing its contents against the blazing after-part of the boat.
- And she is always dipping into other folks's business and stirring up trouble with a high hand.
- If during this process part of the fronds run together, the beauty of the specimen may be restored by dipping the edge into water, so as to float out the part and allow it to subside naturally on the paper.
- One bird kept dipping low over the raft, then soaring off again.
- Bloodstained Blade entered the dining room, dipping his ax head.
- Dipping a hand into the steaming water, it was just what he needed.
- Before each dipping, stir the chocolate vigorously with your fingers.
- I can stay out for ten before even dipping into emergency air.
- The sun was dipping behind the mountains and the breeze was stronger.
- Dipping into his pocket, he found a bunch of scrunched up paper tissues.
- Roman served the appetizer—fried calamari with a thick white dipping.
- Gilbert in 1600, that the earth itself is a great magnet, having its poles at the two places where the dipping needle is vertical.
- It is suggested that a permanent magnet might conveniently be " aged " (or brought into a constant condition) by dipping it several times into liquid air.
- de la Bastie's process of " toughening " glass consisted in dipping glass, raised to a temperature slightly below the melting-point, into molten tallow.