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diner - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of diner in Hindi

  • भोजन करनेवाला
  • (रेल में) खाने की गाड़ी
  • वह डिब्‍बा जिसमें भोजन का प्रबंध रहता है


  • दोपहर का खाना खानेवाला
  • मध्याह्न का भोजन करनेवाला
  • भोजनगृह

diner Definition


  • a person who is eating, typically a customer in a restaurant.
  • a dining car on a train.

diner Example

  • The diner closes at ten. ( डिनर दस बजे बंद हो जाता है। )
  • The woman from the diner is here. ( भोजन करने वाली महिला यहाँ है। )
  • Through open doorway to large, well equipped kitchen diner. ( खुले द्वार के माध्यम से बड़े, अच्छी तरह से सुसज्जित रसोई भोजनशाला। )
  • I hate it in town, and the diner is so... boring.  ( मुझे शहर में इससे नफरत है, और भोजन इतना उबाऊ है ... उबाऊ। )

More Sentence

  • Do you think I can get a job at the diner again?
  • Diner: Overlooking the lavender garden the diner has farmhouse style furniture and a plentiful supply of simple white porcelain crockery.
  • Trey’s Diner? Why the hell would you eat there?
  • Not outside a backcountry diner at night, with no lights.
  • The manager at that diner you put in an application for.
  • He hopped out of the car and ran to the back of the diner.
  • I had breakfast at the best diner in town, the Lee Grille.
  • I left the diner thinking it had been a mistake to go there.
  • Just off the hall to the right was Vicky’s lounge / diner.
  • Look kid, a waitress at Lindburg Diner has confirmed that.
  • Many succumb to the habit of eating at a "minute" diner or.
  • Nathan dropped me off at the diner just before four o’clock.
  • At the twelfth mile mark, was a diner with a few parked cars.
  • I was probably around the same age when that cop at the diner.
  • Junya pulled a napkin off of the dispenser at the diner counter.
  • Trask refused on account of frostbite, and suggested the Diner
  • The whole thing is aimed at getting the discerning diner simply the best meat meal.
  • The property consists of three bedrooms, through lounge, fitted kitchen diner, three bedrooms and first floor bathroom.
  • Starts at the filling station on the Leominster By-Pass next to the OK diner.
  • Then one day Charlie stops for coffee at a neighborhood diner.
  • A diner has unlimited choices for $ 12, a bargain.
  • Cunningham said yesterday during a news conference at Fog City Diner.
  • This property benefits from neutral lounge and spacious kitchen diner with french doors to a secluded and very well maintained rear garden.