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dimension - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dimension in Hindi

  • आयाम
  • परिमाण
  • पहलू
  • माप
  • पैमाना
  • लंबाई-चौड़ाई
  • आकार
  • परिमाप
  • विस्तार
  • विमा (लम्बाई-चौड़ाई)

dimension Definition


  • a measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height.
  • an aspect or feature of a situation, problem, or thing.


  • form or shape (something) to particular measurements.

dimension Example

  • sun-dried tomatoes add a new dimension to this sauce ( धूप में सुखाए हुए टमाटर इस चटनी में एक नया आयाम जोड़ते हैं )
  • He can't kill you in that dimension, he assured her. ( वह आपको उस आयाम में नहीं मार सकता, उसने उसे आश्वासन दिया। )
  • Gives a whole new dimension to poetic license, don't it? ( काव्य लाइसेंस को एक नया आयाम देता है, है ना? )
  • And every additional idea that does not merely derange an art enlarges it as it were by a new dimension in space. ( और हर अतिरिक्त विचार जो केवल एक कला को विकृत नहीं करता है, उसे बढ़ाता है क्योंकि यह अंतरिक्ष में एक नए आयाम से था। )

More Sentence

  • length, breadth and thickness; thus a line has only length and is said to be of one dimension, a surface has length and breadth, and has two dimensions, a solid has length, breadth and thickness, and has three dimensions.
  • You sent them to that temporal dimension!
  • This spiritual dimension addresses the imperative for compassion among all peoples.
  • When it comes to height, Jordan’s dimension is a bit less than the rest of us, but she makes up for it with her long arms.  
  • If you are asked for the dimensions of a room, what you need to do is measure the height and width of it.  
  • When you buy a dress for a wedding, it is important to get all of the dimensions, such as width and height, correct.  
  • The "fourth dimension" is a type of nonEuclidean geometry, in which it is conceived that a "solid" has one dimension more than the solids of experience.
  • Step adds a new dimension to your aerobic workout, challenging heart & mind!
  • Status message is possible, bringing a new dimension to the license free arena.
  • Music adds a pleasant dimension to the familiar package, tho it also makes the material seem somewhat thinner.
  • the goal is to dimension the drawing clearly so that the parts are built to your specification
  • the drawing must be precise in dimension