digress - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of digress in Hindi
- पीछे हटना
- हटना
- हट जाना
- ध्यान बँटना
- अर्थ से दूर होना
- मुख्य विषय स दूर हो जाना
- विषयान्तर
- विषयान्तर करना
digress Definition
- leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing.
digress Example
- He let the conversation digress into endless discussions about "character." ( उन्होंने बातचीत को "चरित्र" के बारे में अंतहीन चर्चाओं में जाने दिया। )
- Let me digress a bit to let the ink dry. ( स्याही को सूखने देने के लिए मुझे थोड़ा पीछे हटने दें। )
- In order to disillusion anyone who may think that my position was a sinecure, I shall now digress. ( किसी का भी मोहभंग करने के लिए जो यह सोच सकता है कि मेरी स्थिति एक पापी थी, अब मैं पीछे हटूंगा। )
- I need to digress for a moment here. ( मुझे यहां एक पल के लिए पीछे हटना होगा। )
More Sentence
- Because abortion is difficult for me to talk about, I will digress from this topic.
- If you get emotional talking about your father, then you may digress.
- You digress to avoid talking about the real problem!
- I need you to stay on subject and not digress!
- Every time we asked about Jane's father, she would give me a bogus answer and digress onto something else.
- As your new class president, I will end homework, lower student crime, and mandate hours of recess, but I digress.
- Jerry would digress every time his parents asked for his report card.
- During our debate on religion, Tim would often digress onto a separate rant on oil consumption.
- Kids often digress when out from under parental control.
- I need to digress here a touch, just to explain the difference between psychologists and psychiatrists.
- I want to digress to consider those categories which have, from my point of view, important sociological significance.
- At this point you should digress briefly into the concept of psychological structure.
- It's difficult to see digress in a sentence .
- "They hew to the line and don't digress.
- But we digress . . . and we also lie.
- Well, OK, he could, but I digress.
- Poor posture will continue to digress the longer it is left uncorrected.
- The plot can digress into philosophy or a series of official documents.
- He loves Blue more than me, but I digress.
- Nor will the map case fit . . . but, I digress.
- I want to digress a moment to note that reports of strange aerial phenomena are not peculiar to the post WWII period.
- To digress somewhat, there are a large number of rounds in Cornwall, usually located on spurs of land or prominently on hillslopes.